MovieChat Forums > Child's Play (1988) Discussion > What could've made Charles' soul so damn...

What could've made Charles' soul so damn rotten

Good grief. I mean I know some killers are just born evil and are into killing for their own certain reasons. The film never gives Charles/Chucky's backstory. To me it's like he loved murdering people for the hell of it. He did have some issues obviously, and not just judging by him being a murderer. He got savagely angry at times, that shows he wasn't a quiet little man that killed in the shadows, he was a wild, hot-headed sadist that killed whoever even bumped him a way he didn't like.



That's what he is, a killer who kills because he enjoys it, he's a psychopath who sees killing as a hobby.


They didn't explain Chucky's background because mainly because there isn't no real reason to explain. The film is mainly about the serial killer Chucky possessing a good guy doll and has a goal to transfer his soul in to a 6 year old kid and kills people along the way.


Real serial killers have SOME pattern to the murders they commit, and usually a "cooling off" period between killings. Most male serial killers are fantasy-driven, there is a sexual element to their crimes, and they torture and mutilate their victims. Chucky just goes straight in for the kill, and most of his kills are pretty quick and clean. Which, I guess, is preferable to the "torture porn" schlock that have been popular for awhile.


Well in the Child's Play 2 novel adaption it goes into detail about Chucky's life when he was a kid. His mom was a midget and she was awful to him. She would beat him and everything. Mostly because she saw his father in him who she always referred too as a big dumb rat. Charles had no where to go and no family to run too. Eventually he got sick and tired of it so while his mom was drunk one night he strangled her to death and then buried her body in the park. Of course they found it sooner or later and he was sent to juvie or something. They never should have let him out because his mom opened the hatred in his heart and I guess he just got a sick joy off hurting people.


To answer your question(I hope it does!), here's what Charles posted on his Facebook Page last night:

"People fear me...... Shuns the thought of my very existence..... Why do I kill? The reason? I was Beatin down and killed by the world.... My whole life was a fight. I'm a confessed misanthrope because of my past human life... Now I only want to taste the sweet satisfaction of revenge.... So please spare me your thoughts on why I should let you keep your lives....."-Charles Ray



"What could've made Charles' soul so damn rotten"

Only a lazy and incompetent, thoughtless script-writer, greedy for moolah.


I heard in the next film, they'll give Charles Lee Ray a childhood backstory and I heard that maybe Brad Dourif will also play Chucky's dad but who would play Charles Lee Ray as a kid in the flashbacks?


Some people are just born bad.


the world and his own mind


Chucky is simply evil and loves to kill for the fun of it. That's why he laughs maniacally every time he murders somebody.
