MovieChat Forums > Child's Play (1988) Discussion > a subtle bit of romantic chemistry betwe...

a subtle bit of romantic chemistry between Karen + Officer Norris?

This has always been one of my very favorite slashers. Since I got the blu-ray set that came out last year I have watched it several times.

And I noticed, at least to me, that there appears to be a very subtle romantic chemistry between Mrs. Barclay and Officer Norris.

They way they kind of bickered back and forth (almost like Sammy and Diane), also Mrs. Barclay seemed to really care about him. And Officer Norris seemed to go out of his way to help her and protect her.

As I stated it's a very subtle bit of chemistry.

Does anyone else notice this?


There was supposed to have been a longer cut of the movie (2 1/2 hours I think it was). Their relationship probably got a lot more focus in that cut.

"What kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthday party?"


What longer cut? 2 1/2 hours is much too long. There's nothing for the characters to do in all that time. I'm not buying this.


Yes I think there was a growing chenistrybetween them. And why not, I've always had a thing for Catherine Hicks. She looks great in this one. She hss that mature, attractive, mom next door thing. You know, as a boy growing up there was always one of your friend's mothers you wanted to do? She is that mother!!!!


What chemistry? He left her to rot in the nuthouse.

