Question about John

So...did John not know Charles was a killer when they knew each other before?
I'm asking because he seemed very surprised/horrified/angry when he found out Chucky had used everything he taught him for evil.

Dude was a serial killer...what did he expect?


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


I'm assuming John only found out Chucky's true nature only after he'd taught him everything he needed to know. If John knew Chucky was a serial killer when they met, he probably wouldn't have taught him all those voodoo tricks.

"Without management, there is only chaos."
"Can we try the chaos thing?"


But wasn't The Lakeshore Strangler pretty notorious by then?

Then again, the movie came out long before the internet did hehe.

He also probably didn't reveal his true name, and just went by Chucky.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


Honestly I wouldnt teach anyone about voodoo, I dont care how close of friends we are because friends will turn on! So if I knew voodoo it would be something only I will know about.


Will turn on you! #Typo#
