"Well, in later movies Chucky says phrases in the doll's voice that Good Guys aren't programmed to say. "
No one has disputed that. (Though I'd like to keep the discussion of a movie, actually about _A_ movie - not the 'sequels', which are usually separate, different movies, and can 'change the rules' of the first one, and so on - for a horrible example of this, see "The Terminator" and "T2:Judgment Day", or "The Matrix" and "Re-something", and "Re-whatsitsname". But that fact is established by this movie alone - he couldn't say "Chucky", without changing the voice, which should either be explained satisfactorily, or impossible, or at least so much effort for so little return for Chucky, that there's no way he would do it)
Except the "programming" part, because they are not PROGRAMMED (there is no computer in them, just a simple voice box that plays recordings). They are only able to play a few pre-recorded sounds/samples, and that's all. There is no computer, no speech synth, no vocal chords, nothing that would know what the voice should be like - just a simple playback. You can't alter such a 'voice' to your liking just like that. You'd have to know exactly how the speaker's vocal chords and mouth work to form those sounds, or you'd have to have a huge library of different phoneme-samples recorded by that same individual - and even then, it would sound mechanical, and not natural, without a -huge- amount of trouble, trial and error, and tedious effort.
The question is; HOW does it work, and WHY would Chucky go through all that trouble, when we know him to be impatient and impulsive?
Just how much TEDIOUS WORK would it require for _ANYONE_ to actually modify an existing tape/voice box recording to a believable and plausible utterance by an already existing stranger's voice..?
I bet you couldn't do it if I gave you a computer, good sample editor with a bunch of effects, and three weeks. Take someone's voice (three short sentences), and then produce all kinds of other sentences that sound -exactly- like that voice - so much, that it can't be separated from the original recordings by human ear.
How long would it take, how much research, tedious work and painstaking effort would it require? I'd say it's not plausible that Chucky would go through all that even if he did have modern computers and sample editors.
But he has no such things! He has a voice box that has a few pre-made recordings, no vocal chords at his disposal WHATSOEVER, and no computers, synths, samplers, effects or any musical equipment to help him.
So how does he do this? Some kind of astral-ether vocal-chord-modeling work, based on trial and error? Does he use some kind of super-consciousness á la Nikola Tesla, where he can build things in his mind, and then .. uh.. hmm.. then what? How exactly can be produce voice anyway, when there are no vocal chords? If souls could speak directly without vocal chords, vocal chords wouldn't exist. Sound always needs a method of producing it in this world. If he used telepathy, projecting his voice to the other humans directly, without the sound having to be created to travel through the air, it could be accepted of course.
But to actually being able to create plausible, believable sound waves - how exactly does it work? Even if you explain it by "magic" or "voodoo", even they must work SOMEhow, and they must have some way of utilizing the laws of physics, and thus conform to them (even if we accept, like I do, that the laws of physics are actually different than what is taught in Terran schools).
It's just lazy writing to make things happen, and then explain it by "oh, well, it's magic". It's basically a non-explanation, avoidance at its finest. It's like.. "Don't look at the man behind the curtain"-type of thing. We are supposed to follow the superficial show, and not see the emptiness behind it.
It has been said that Gandhi and his friends formed a replica of a human mouth and vocal chords in the astral plane, and thus were able to talk through 'instrumental transcommunication' (or whatever it's called these days). I don't know if this is true, but if it is, it's quite a feat.
Have you ever seen robot-makers trying to make robots speak without speech synth or recordings? They have actually built 'vocal cords', that can alter their shape, while air is pushed through them, and so on. They sound TERRIBLE and _VERY_ artificial!
It's not so easy to produce an accurate voice of some human being, without vocal cords - especially, if you are trapped inside a doll and have no computer equipment. Surely there must be limits to even voodoo, and at the samee time, there must be a "diminishing returns" in effect for such a project. In other words, it wouldn't be worth Chucky's time and it would be uncharacteristic of him to take on such an endeavour.
If the doll had some kind of speech synth, or vocal chords, and actually FORMED the speech on-the-fly, there would be no problem. It's much easier to make things move simply by applying energy - that can be explained (though even that would really be quite a feat without muscles - there is a reason why physical plane beings usually have muscles - otherwise, it'd require way too much energy to move).
But Chucky actually going through the incredible effort of not only forming vocal chords, lips, tongue and mouth in a higher plane, and then blowing energy through all that, and making sure the resulting waves are lowered to the physical plane and become sound, just doesn't make any sense, knowing his impatient character.
It's like a bank robber in need of quick cash for a drug fix, decides to first build a fast electric car in his carage, before committing his crime. It just doesn't happen.