Needs to be Remade
I think this goes down as one of the most underrated movies of all time. Its such a unique fantasy/sports movie hybrid that needs to be remade into a motion picture franchise. What do people think?
shareI think this goes down as one of the most underrated movies of all time. Its such a unique fantasy/sports movie hybrid that needs to be remade into a motion picture franchise. What do people think?
shareDEFINITELY!!! But, if they remade it they'd get some waif ex-model to play Chen's role, then rely on cut-up, incomprehensible editing of the action sequences to make you think Giselle is really doing fighting.
shareI also fear they'll ruin it. This was low budget but it never hurt the movie, except for one scene (the one with the "tank" that you can clearly see is never moving). A remake would look shiny. Modern movies always look shiny, even if they try to be gritty. They would also cast actors that don't match, especially for the part of Kidda. For the action scenes they would definately make use overuse of shaky cams and they would do the cuts too fast. And in the worst case they would go for PG13 ...
Anyway, if they WOULD remake it, here are some thoughts on who to cast:
That's the toughest part because Rutger Hauer was perfect in every sense and made the movie for me. I'd give Russel Crowe a shot basing on his performance in Gladiator.
I really really hate skinny women being cast as action stars that look like they are more worried about breaking off a fingernail than about the opponent. I think Michelle Rodriguez could pull it off. This may be biased because I find her mad sexy but she is believeable in action roles and a bit buff.
Not sure. We need a gentle giant. Doesn't have to be black but we got to keep ethnic diversity like the original. Ving Rhames would probably my first pick.
Big Cimber:
I definately want to have a second woman like the original so that Kidda is not the token female character. Noomi Rapace is possible but I am not really comvinced. Since she doesn't have to be pretty and considering the characters fate alot of women could fit the bill. I would probably do an extended casting and pick a fresh face. Someone that desperately needs a serious role and would do everything for it. Because that would fit the role perfectly.
Young Gar:
This would actually be easy because there are alot of good choices for the young and impatient hotshot. Norman Reedus comes into mind or Jeremy Renner. Karl Urban. Possibilities are endless.
Dog Boy:
On a second thought Jeremy Renner would be better as Dog Boy, basing on his performance in The Town. But I could also see Mark Wahlberg as Dog Boy - disgruntled but loyal to the team.
In this case I would probably go for an older actor that is still physically fit. First, because I as an director would not make life easy for the actors, they should go through some physical pain and deprivations. Also, his action scenes in the final game would look better. This would probably exclude most known faces which isn't a bad thing.
This is hard - we need someone really intimidating but at the same time he shouldn't be the typcial villain you'll hate. I am tempted to pick a known wrestler like [i]Steve Austin[/b] but somehow that feels wrong. A known wrestler in a jugger outfit would make you think of stupid wrestler gimmicks. We need somebody like Mr T's "Clubber Lang" but he is too old. Maybe Ron Perlman. Or lester Speight, but only if his make up (scars etc.) and outfit will make him look different enough so that one isn't reminded of "Terry Tate" too much.
Everybody else doesn't matter.
I usually hate the idea of remakes, but even tho I loved this movie, it was so dark it was hard to tell what was going on some of the time.
A remake, if done well, could be cool. As the OP stated, this is a very cool concept for a movie and is a shame it is not better well known.
Depends on the copy, mine (german version) had no problems with darkness.
shareDefinitely needs to be re-made. It's a great futuristic sports movie without being lame like some of the other ones. A great setting and tone in this one.
shareI just saw this on hbo. I love how the story is kinda old school in its structure. Simple with no frills. No tacked on meaningless subplots. For example, So many movies cram an undeveloped romance plot no matter how ill-fitting. Yeah, this had some somewhat romantic bonding, but none of that "I'd sacrifice my whole world for you even though we've only had three scenes together" tripe. Studios feel like no one will care about a story of there is no love story in it.
I say all this, because I feel like if this was done in Hollywood, they would def over-complicate it.
Still, done right, a remake (or even a sequel) could be amazing. I usual support remakes, actually. Even though they are usually worse, it is worth it for those times they really pull it off. I never felt a crappy remake hurts the greatness of the original.
Why not a sequel with Kidda in the main role instead of Sallow? Kidda is a renowned Jugger now and Joan Chen could play the part, she is still around and looks great.
For the rest of the cast I don't really care but I loved David Webb People's directing and the soundtrack. If a sequel was faithful to all that and the tone of the movie, I would totally love it
Am suggesting Gwedoline Christie as "Big Cimber".
shareI love her, but Gwendolyn is 'WAY to big to be a Quick. She'd be a slash, which plays against her chacter's underdog image in the story.
And who is today's analog to a young Rutger Hauer? Sure as fuck not Russell Crowe! Perhaps Michael Fassbender. Remaking this is a very bad idea. It would be a mediocre, jump-cut action script with none of David Peoples' depth and texture: Compare his Blade Runner with the new one and you'll see what I mean. There is a wise old saying: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." The original ain't broke. Quite the opposite.
Big Cimber WASN'T the quick; Kidda (Joan Chen) was. But am in agreement with you as far as a remake is concerned, probably would suck.
shareI nominate Dave Bautista for the new Gonzo.
shareRussell Crowe could not carry Rutger Hauer’s jockstrap, let alone replace him in this movie.
Michelle Rodriguez, a crude nonentity, step into the role created by OSCAR-WINNER Joan Chen?! Get the fuck off the front porch! You don’t deserve to watch this movie.
I'm staggered at the support the idea of a remake has! I appreciate the love for the film and the idea of more people having access to it but a remake - heck no. It is what it is - a gem of a movie that may be on the sidelines - but in all seriousness, when has a remake (of which dozens were produced this past decade) actually done a single iota of help to the original except tarnish it?
shareIt is what it is - a gem of a movie that may be on the sidelines - but in all seriousness, when has a remake (of which dozens were produced this past decade) actually done a single iota of help to the original except tarnish it?
And then there was the remake of the remake of Ben-Hur, which sucked ass. The 1988 version of Dirty Rotten Scoundrals was an original screenplay, genius. So was Some Like It Hot, and so was Airplane! There was the movie version of the Broadway show of Dirty Rotten Scoundrals, which sucked ass. It's open to debate if Pacino was actually a better Scarface than Jimmy Cagney, but the Pacino version is more violent and vulgar, which would appeal to the crude among us. Damned few of the original films on your list were considered even "good," let alone "an overlooked gem." The Blood of Heroes is in the latter category Your argument lacks merit in the context of this thread.
shareLet me make this simple: You can’t remake this, any more than you can remake Gone With The Wind or The Wizard of Oz. At a level with those? No. As iconic as they? In its own way, yes. Pardon my French, but screw you and your dimwitted “remake” alleged ideas. Re-master the original, or just, put the Australian ending on it, or just enjoy it for what it (amazingly) is, written and directed by David Webb Peoples, who, not for nothing, wrote, you know, Blade Runner.
shareI have to agree. I had never seen it. Somehow it did not get the attention it deserves. A serious remake could be done on this that could be very good.
shareI really don't want it to be remade. Too good on its own, just a shame it is so unknown! Still needs a blu-ray or 4k release in the US with both cuts of the film!