Great Movie!

Just watched this movie. Loved it! Isn't the idea/story is copy of/similiar to William Shakespeare's play "COMEDY OF ERRORS".


See "Start the Revolution With Me" (1970) starring Gene Wilder and Donald Sutherland. Same basic premise in a different time period with different results. "An account of the adventures of two sets of identical twins, badly scrambled at birth, on the eve of the French Revolution. One set is haughty and aristocratic, the other poor and somewhat dim. They find themselves involved in palace intrigues as history happens around them. Based, very loosely, on Dickens's _A Tale of Two Cities_, Dumas's _The Corsican Brothers_, etc..." from "IMDb" summary. Excellent companion piece to "Big Business" because of the same plot device.


actually...yes, it IS based on "a comedy of errors," which is mentioned in the trivia section of the imdb posting for it

~*~Love is Pure, Love is Unconditional, Love is God because God is Love~*~


It's sad that this movie isn't rated higher. I love how at first of course they're in the same nursery, but then apart and then keep getting closer and closer until the bathroom scene! One of my favorite scenes to re-enact!

Just sitting there among the zinnias, but the old Chinese man sold it to me anyways. For $1.95.
