BBFC rating of (15)

Really a 15? Don't get the BBFC sometimes. They give T3 an R-Rated film in America a 12-A rating and they give this, a PG rated film in the US, a (15).

It should be a 12 at the most. Its no more 'mature' than Ghostbusters or The Mummy.


It's rated 15 because there was no 12 rating back in 1988 and the don't generally re-rate movies unless the studio asks them to. T3 also happens to be one of the strongest films ever given a 12 (Along with Casino Royale and The Dark Knight). That being said, I don't think Beetlejuice should've had any problems being PG-rated apart from the line "nice fµcking model!".


The BBFC re-rate for new formats because the studio go back to the masters for new formats. The BBFC have authority over all media not just cinematic. They can't just assume that the new release will be the one they passed judgement on for the theatrical. So when the film went to DvD and Blu-Ray it was re-rated.


If you're talking about re-watching the film you'd be correct, they do indeed watch the film every time a new release is due to check if the content is the same, but the studio has to specifically ask for a film to be downgraded (or at least they used to) which explains why films like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly kept being rated 18 time and time again (it wasn't until the extended version was shown theatrically that MGM asked for a 15 rating) and movies like Batman and The Abyss are still rated 15 even though they were released theatrically with 12 (12 used to be a cinema-only rating). I mailed the BBFC at some point about these films and this was the answer they gave me.
