MovieChat Forums > Beetlejuice (1988) Discussion > Beetlejuice was under used in this movie

Beetlejuice was under used in this movie

He was the only entertaining character in the film in my opinion and it took him nearly 50 minutes to make his first proper appearance.. Almost everyone who watched this film agrees on the fact that Michael Keaton's performance is by far the best thing about the film.. So why did they under use him so badly?


I like that he wasn't used too much. I think he's funny, but in my opinion he would have gotten annoying if they used him much more than they did. I thought the other characters, particularly Delia, were plenty entertaining without him.


I thought it was kind of odd how little screen time he had considering his name is the title of the movie.



He was a LITTLE under-used...

Obviously it would have been a little more fun and/or funny if they focused a little bit more on Beetlejuice's character, and not just have him as a side-character who's there to help scare off the Dietz' & "help" them out.

If indeed they go with the sequel, they better not go with the original storyline where he goes Hawaiian... but instead stick to a new script, with a more central focus on Beetlejuice himself.


Technically it isn't since his name is Betelgeus. The whole situation is "Oh beetlejuice!"

It's not nihilism if there's a question mark at the end.


definatly could of used a few more scenes with him...originally though the movie wasnt going to be named after him though, so i understand why....just want more of him in the sequal!!!


He was used as much as the story called for, any more would have been forced. You have to understand that the movie wasn't written with him as the main character in mind, and the movie was not going to be called Beetlejuice from the outset. Most likely, naming the movie Beetlejuice was a studio decision based on their belief that the character was highly marketable compared to the relatively plain human characters.


All in all it still worked, much in the same way "The Third Man" worked with Harry Lime taking up so little screen time.

I read something about Tim Burton at a studio conference where they were sweating out a name, thinking of "House Ghosts", and he finally said in exasperation to just call it "Scared Sheetless".



Just the way it was for Keaton in Burton movies this about it batman was basically mostly joker.



Not under-used at all. When the Maitlands are in trouble and Lydia turns to Beetlejuice out of desperation - this is an epic moment. You don't know what's going to happen when Beetlejuice is unleashed. It's awesome. The somewhat sparing use of Beetlejuice makes this happen.


Exactly!! Very good point!


Burton did the right thing by using him just the right amount, because let's face it, he was obnoxious for a reason. If Keaton was more of a tv cartoon version Bettlejuice, then that's a different story.
