Why did they remake instead of extend the story?
Bette (C.C.) morphs into her mother(Leona) as Victoria makes friends with someone that C.C. dislikes (or fears) and sets out to stop the friendship which only encourages it.
If Lani Kazan is still around a wonderful comic part could include her.
Depending on whether the story centers around Victoria's childhood or adulthood would indicate where C.C.'s character would be placed. We last saw her as a famous performer so anything could happen. Superstardom to oblivion but not starving as Victoria's trust would prevent that.
This would also be indicative on where to place supporting characters.
Childhood/Co-worker friends as opposed to Co-worker/student or dates.
One things for sure, C.C. can not have another best or even close friend. That person would only be constantly compared to the Hilary/Hershey character and would diminish that friendship.
This would cover the time frames of 1990 to 2020 and offers a wide spectrum of development into whatever disease/fetish/victim of the month/era the times are eliciting.