Hillary's house

I don't get why after Hillary passed away, CC and Victoria couldn't live in the house anymore. Technically it was Hillary's fathers, and she got it after he passed away. You would think that in her will the house would be passed down to her daughter, or at lest it would state that she get's to live in it for awhile.

How do you expect to get through life?On an 80cc Dirt Bike it will take me anywhere I need to go!


I think it was more about CC wanting to carry on with her career....which wasn't where the house was.


Victoria does inherit the house. But CC needs to raise her. I'm sure later she either sells or moves into the mansion.


CC was a touring recording artist whose home is in NYC. They were just moving to CC's home, doesn't mean the house was being put on the market.

Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!
