MovieChat Forums > Apartment Zero (1989) Discussion > Let's have the theatrical cut on DVD...

Let's have the theatrical cut on DVD...

Okay, so the current DVD has the "director's cut" on it (i.e. without the homoerotic scenes) but there are lots of adult viewers out there (like myself) who would prefer to see the film as shown in the theatre. I've hunted high-and-low for the Japanese laserdisc version (which apparently has the complete cut on it) and also suggested to those film-completists, Criterion, that they come up with the goods, but it really needs a concerted effort from Apartment Zero fans out there to make this a reality... and Mr Donovan, if you do read this, please let's have the full version that you directed. Thanks.


I agree with you 100%. The DVD floating around is not official. I know that Martin Donovan is fighting to have the theatrical version on DVD.
There is another VHS copy in Europe with the original cover that to my anazement is the full theatrical version.


Not official? What do you mean not official? I was ready to sell my car to get that DVD!


Ive checked on every site i can think of - and there is NO "official" release of Apartment on DVD....The UK VHS release from 20/20 vision is the complete version I believe, it runs 120 mins on video and has the "armpit" scene !!


I am a longtime admirer of this amazing film and have wondered for years what was edited out for the video release. What was "the armpit scene?"


I've heard there is a scene deleted from the 'generally available' version of the film, where Jack and Adrian kiss mid-wrestle. Have I heard from an unreliable source, or am I correct?

I brought him in last week - drunk and disorderly. But when I sobered up, he'd gone. Sorry.


I saw the film twice in the theatre and there certainly was no kiss, but there may have been an instant where it looked close. I recall it ran about 125 or 130 minutes in the theatre. When I saw it on video, there were some moments of character development trimmed, which were brief amusing moments that took away from the flavour when they were gone. In particular, there was a scene where Jack retrieved his gun from the garbage can at the airport. He tried to act non-chalant, but ended up struggling when he got his arm caught in the lid. He got his gun, but not without attracting odd looks and a lot of sweat dripping from his brow.


Yes, I had a copy on VHS for a long time that had both the armpit scene and the scene where Jack retrieves the gun from the airport bin. I've never seen this film on DVD so I don't know what other scenes may have been cut.

Saw this film a couple of times when it first came out in the theatres in 1990. The two scenes that seem to have been cut don't really contribute to the film but the armpit thing is a fairly interesting character trait.



This is the first time the original uncut theatrical version will be released on DVD, outside of Asia...which I think only released the theatrical version on Laserdisc, actually.


The DVD is out and I believe is the full theatrical version.The director's commentary was like having him as a guest for dinner. Superb!


Thank you for the recommendation about the director's commentary! It is unique!
