MovieChat Forums > Apartment Zero (1989) Discussion > masterful use of sexual tension

masterful use of sexual tension

I cannot remember the last time I saw sexual tension pulled off so effectively in a film before. Bravo to the filmmakers and the cast, as they clearly understood that subtlety is key. I can't believe I never heard of this movie until its recent DVD release. I loved everything about it. Fans of Polanski, Bergman, serial killer movies, and even political thrillers should get a kick out of this truly unique genre-bender.

Just keep telling's only a RIP CAGE! It's only a RIP CAGE!


It's been one of my favorites for years now. I'm glad you discovered it.


I need to purchase the DVD. I netflixed it at the time I posted that first message, and I keep thinking about the movie.

Just keep telling's only a RIP CAGE! It's only a RIP CAGE!


Same thing here. I can't really pin point why. Is as if Colin's character is someone I knew personally. I think of him as a real person. This film is magic.


I saw it about a year ago for the fourth time and again last night on DVD and it was as if I was seeing it for the first time. What I mean is, I remebered everything but everything caught me off guard. I was glued. What an great film!


I Netflixed it months ago and I still have it! LOL! I'm watching it right now! I'm trying to tire of it, but it's still hard to part with.

Britney Spears makes me think God must be a John Waters fan.


Indeed! I discussed the sexual tension in an essay:


Thank you again


Yes, thank you


Saw it again for the 6th time. It's not just homo-erotic but erotic period.
The scene between Hart and Mirella D'Angelo is so full of sexual titilation that makes Jack (Hart) a master a the seduction game.


And what about Hart and James Telfer (Vanessa)?
Never seen a scene constructed like that. You don't know if it's going to end up in sex or murder. But the scene is dressed in intimacy and tenderness. Unsettling and engrossing.


Thank you for the tip. I saw it again thinking about that. James Telfer is so beautiful. Read he made another film with Martin Donovan "State Of Wonder" but that film is impossible to find. The comments are intriguing and inviting.



The sexual tension drove me crazy! I was so disappointed when nothing came of it.


Well, something did come out but not what we expected. Very chilling, the vision of Zero in a man's eyes.
