This is probably a better movie than many people think...
I watched "Apartment Zero" last night. It's not perfect but it's definitely a movie with depth, presented within an intricate political, cultural, personal, and psychological web.
I just checked the rating of this film here, and was disappointed to see it's only a 6. I think it deserves a 7.5 but I wonldn't rate it too high either.
What I find interesting about this movie is:
1. The political/ideological overtone that involves both history and current international politics;
2. The exploration of deep personal and psychological issues of the vulnerable individual within the context of modern life of alienation;
3. It's a movie about movies, and therefore offers a rich cultural context; which in turn, offers plenty of room for the audience to play;
4. It offers a good character development in the case of Adrian. The acting of this character is very well-done. (But the character of Jack is not as good. Granted, he is very handsome, but he seems to be very self-conscious of his good looks, and therefore appears to be too superficial, without depth. I don't see much homosexual overtone in this story. I mean, there can be deep friendship and love even between two straight males, I believe.)