President Regan's Speech
Does Anyone know what President Regan was actually talking about in the scene in the bar on the television where they took a speech and made it sound like it was about the newcomers?
shareDoes Anyone know what President Regan was actually talking about in the scene in the bar on the television where they took a speech and made it sound like it was about the newcomers?
shareJust googled it up:
A dynamic economy, with more citizens working and paying taxes, will be our strongest tool to bring down budget deficits. But an almost unbroken 50 years of deficit spending has finally brought us to a time of reckoning. We've come to a turning point, a moment for hard decisions. I have asked the Cabinet and my staff a question, and now I put the same question to all of you: If not us, who? And if not now, when? It must be done by all of us going forward with a program aimed at reaching a balanced budget. We can then begin reducing the national debt.
After Reagan had rebuilt the military and the economy was flying sky high, he called on Congress to curb spending and eliminate the deficit and erase the national debt. The Democrat Congress disagreed and kept spending as fast as the money came in. When the Republicans took over Congress, they managed to eliminate the deficit for a couple of years but then the American people wanted more "freebies" and the spending goes on.
America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".
It should be noted that they only managed to eliminate the deficit when a Democratic President was elected.
The fact that nobody wants to admit is that the only time when things really get done is when one party controls the White House and another controls the House and Congress.
This belief that "It will all be fine if we were in TOTAL charge" is flawed, and has been shown to be flawed for decades.
We would still have a balanced budget if 9/11 had not happened.
The Bush budget in 2000 and 2001 basically continued Clinton's plan to pay-down the debt. Then 9/11 happened and the spending went up to support the war against Bin Laden.
It isn't about parties, it's about policies.
The Republican party who balanced the budget was not the Republican party of W. Under Clinton, the Republicans were closer to the Libertarian mindset when it comes to government taxing and spending. Ross Perot types basically ("it's the economy, stupid!")
W. got elected under those same concepts but hoodwinked the US population. He promised to be the type of Republican that balanced the budget, controlled spending, and lowered taxes. Turns out, he was a Christian Conservative. 9/11 increased his approval ratings tremendously and that was the point at which "Christian Conservatives" hijacked the GOP and turned it into the mess it is today.
If you look at the current Republican Party, it actually is far closer to the concept of fascism than the Republican Party has traditionally been. Fascism is about controlling social issues as much as possible, government and military closely tied together, and tax incentives for the wealthy. Fascism is about keeping the working class under strict control, removing the middle class, and giving more power to the wealthy in order to create a truly dichotomous society. The current Republican Party has at its core dictating social issues; telling citizens how they should live their lives and making those dictates law. It's also about increased military spending and fewer checks on military power. It's also about increased invasion of privacy and destruction of personal freedoms. It's about increased tax loopholes for the rich and increased cost of living for the poor (in order to suppress the ability for poor to increase in class status). It is not about decreased regulation in business; it's about increases in regulation in order to foster the formation of monopolies and to decrease competition in order to collect power in a centralized few corporations.
The Democratic Party still has a lot of stupid ideas about regulation of business but at least they are more for increasing personal freedoms.
What we really need as a nation though is a Libertarian (btw, Bob Parr is NOT a Libertarian). Someone who will remove the regulations that limit competition and not only allow but enforce monopolies and dualopolies. Someone who will eliminate much of the personal income tax. The class which spends the largest amount of money proportionally on consumer products is the middle class. Consumerism boosts the economy. If you make sure the middle class has more money to spend (i.e. paying fewer taxes) you increase consumer spending and boost the economy. It has been shown that tax breaks to the rich do NOT spur the increase in jobs directly. When a rich guy suddenly makes more money doing the same thing he always did, that money gets invested in assets and not spent. Those investments do NOT improve the economy because they are essentially locked away. A small portion may in some cases eventually wind up creating a job or two, but not anywhere near what increased spending by the middle class would yield. Increased spending creates higher demand for products which then creates higher demand for production and thus more jobs. Increased investments are just free money to the board of directors and shareholders.
Under our current tax system, the richest pay the lowest percentage of income tax proportionally. This is when you combine all taxes paid; sales tax, real estate, income, and capital gains. The reason is that they use the lowest percentage of their income (of the classes) for consumer purchases, and the vast majority of their income is capital gains; which is taxed at a mere 15% (compared to the 25%+ income tax the middle class income tax bracket gets). Additionally, there are many ways to avoid taxes altogether with capital gains, but virtually none for employment income. Charitable Remainder Trusts for example allow the wealthy to avoid capital gains entirely on sale of assets and to collect the money from that sale tax free as long as at least 10% remains i the CRT. That essentially further reduces the capital gains to well below 10%.
The proportionally highest tax paid is by the middle class; especially those who just barely qualify for AMT. Between income tax, real estate tax, sales tax, etc. they tend to pay over 40%. The richest in the nation pay less than 15% of their total gross income.
A better tax system would have a higher capital gains tax and remove tax shelters like the CRT. Capital gains is free money. It's money that is gained that isn't representative of any kind of value added to society. Personal income however is representative of money received in exchange for work; work that benefits society directly. Income from employment is not income, it is an exchange, it's sale; you sell your time for a certain amount of money. Income from capital gains is pure income and not an exchange of anything; it's free money, on par with gambling winnings. Decreasing the taxes on personal income would not only give more money to people who would spend it on consumer products (thus improving the economy further and increasing the number of jobs), but it would also allow employers to lower the salaries while simultaneously allowing the employees to actually increase take home pay.
You got it backwards, you right wing moron.
Things SUCKED when old turkey-neck was doddering around the white house!
It took Clinton to turn Reagan and Bush's deficit into a surplus.
But never fear Bush Jr. came in and ROYALLY screwed EVERYTHING UP BIG TIME
Typical liberal. Doesn't resort to name calling, opens with it.
Do economic policies take effect overnight? Of course not, they take years, but the current democratic party would have you believe that because of the economic boom of the '90s. Clinton had nothing to do with it. The two people probably most responsible for the growth in the '90s were Bill Gates, and yes, Ronald Reagan.
Clinton is more responsible for our current economy than most would believe. Nevermind his promoting of socialism through programs like Family Leave, but he was also dumb enough to sign NAFTA into law. NAFTA had sat around since 1978 with no president dumb enough to sign it. Clinton was inaugurated in January and signed it in April. Wonder why we don't have any manufacturing jobs anymore? Take a look at NAFTA. Even Hillary admits it was a huge mistake.
Next you'll call my attention to the huge surplus attained by Clinton's budgets. But at what cost? He cut the guts out of the military and military pensions. Most career military persons, enlisted or commissioned, that served before and during Clinton are not tremendous fans of his policies.
And don't forget the dramatic reduction in intelligence spending. Wonder why no one in the government knew 9/11 was coming? Clinton so slashed their funding that they didn't have the resources to do proper research or make valid predictions or decisions. And don't get me started on the Cole or the African embassies and our lack of response.
But no economic policy can protect you or guarantee you anything. Ultimately, it's up to the individual to make smart decisions and be prepared, even in a weak economy. During the Clinton administration and the 'good' times in 1999 or so, my wife and I between us only made about $60,000 a year between us. Today, even working through the 'bad' times, I think we cleared something close to $200,000 in 2007. Just through hard work, preparedness, and a willingness to take responsibility for ourselves and place any blame or credit solely on our own shoulders.
But enough it's Saturday, and I gotta mow the lawn.
"Wonder why no one in the government knew 9/11 was coming?"
If nothing else you said, that line proves it. You really don't know what's going on.
Ever wondered how those directly responsible were identified within 24 hours?
Ever wondered who was watching them?
Ever wondered why "Typical liberal. Doesn't resort to name calling, opens with it." is so ironic? Typical right winger. Mowing the lawn is more important than getting the facts right and much more important than checking posts for hypocrisy.
Ever wondered why the director used that particular speech?
Because in the context of the movie it was nonsense. Utter drivel. It was a poke at the inadequacies of Reagan, a man showing the first stages of dementia before his second term.
Ripping me for mowing the lawn?
Dude, get a life. And open your eyes. I probably shouldn't even waste my time responding to you, but, hey, your opinion is just as valid as mine.
Gotta go. Me and the wife are gonna hit the Home Depot.
"Ripping me for mowing the lawn?"
Nope. What I ripped you for was your inane set of priorities. And I quote:
"Typical right winger. Mowing the lawn is more important than getting the facts right and much more important than checking posts for hypocrisy."
Would it help if I used single syllables in future?
And if you consider that a life, I'm doing fine thanks.
'Bye now. Don't bother coming back - I see no point in a battle of wits, you've only come half-prepared.
This is what I'm talking about. Since I don't share your opinion, I'm instantly a half-wit. Nice open-minded policy you've got there.
I was once a lot like you: conceited, self-righteous, arrogant. I outgrew it; give yourself a chance, you might, too. ;)
Your views don't invalidate mine, nor mine yours. I think its fun and interesting to hear from people, like you, who have different views and backgrounds from my own. It helps me gain greater perspective.
But by inviting me not to reply, it doesn't seem like you're too interested in views and opinions that differ from yours. Too bad; you could probably learn something.
I know, I know, you'll want to reply by saying there's no use in discussing any further; you've made that very clear. Ten years ago, I might have had the same reaction.
But probably not.
Oh, and syllables are sounds, not words. But I know what you meant :)
Good discussion everybody, but why does the salt water burn the aliens?
shareAnyone who's serious about ridding the country of socialism must surely support abolishing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Why should taxpayers subsidize the insuring of private savings and checking accounts? Isn't that socialism?
Is there a reason that bank account holders can't pay private insurers premiums of $100 a month per $10,000 of insurance. That means anyone with $1 to $10,000 in any account will have to pay $1,200 a year in premiums.
In fact, let's privatize Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, Aid to Families with Dependent Children and dozens of other programs. Premiums will skyrocket, of course, but at least the government will no longer be tainted witrh the terrors of socialism. So let's be consistent.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic. But I do get my dander up when I hear people complaining about how socialism is destroying the country. There are things government can do far better than private enterprise. Family Leave isn't socialism. I do agree, however, that NAFTA has been a disaster.
By the way, does anyone see a connection between "Alien Nation" and illegal immigration?
I have wondered what he was really talking about. But then who cares it just seemed to be the right words. Just so fitting for a speech in us the United States to take the Newcomers in. LOL!
shareI just saw the movie. Am I wrong or did it say in the beginning that the aliens appeared in 1994?
How could Reagan still be president then?