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Original script and movie - Deleted and re-edited scenes

This list is made by comparing the movie and original screenplay by Rockne S. O'Bannon. I made this list because from what i heard Alien Nation was heavily re-edited to be shorter movie and many scenes were deleted because of it plus Jerry Goldsmith's score had to be replaced. Since original screenplay is not a shooting script, some scenes from the movie might not be the same as in screenplay.

Difference between script (screenplay) and movie are;

Longer news report and interviews with people about Newcomers and their arrival on earth.

Extra line from Fedorchuk in the opening bar scene, when news reporter is saying how people will remember where they were on the day when Newcomers arrived, Fedorchuk says; "I remember where I was -- pissing off my balcony at the neighbor's dog!"

Kipling (Newcomer who works for Harcourt) wears silver bracelet in the movie. In the script this bit is very important because Sykes sees this bracelet on the second Newcomer (Kipling) who attacked him in opening robbery and shootout scene and in deleted fight scene between him and Kipling near the ending this is how he regognizes Kipling as the one who killed his partner Tug.

Police woman tries to get the wife of Newcomer killed in opening robbery away from his dead body. In the movie you can see some police woman asking George to help her out because "she (Newcomer woman) won't budge".

George is not called San Francisco in script, instead he is called George Jetson.

Scene between Sykes and George in shooting range is not in same part as in movie. Instead it happens later.

Longer dialogue between Sykes and George in car. Before he stops the car (like in the movie) Sykes tells George that partners should always take care for one another and as his partner he asks him to help him to find killer who shot his last partner, but George asks Sykes to respect him as his partner and his desire not to break the procedure. Then Sykes stops the car and rest of the dialogue that is in the movie scene happens. Maybe the mid part of this scene was cut from movie but i'm not sure.

Scene where George talks with wife of Newcomer murdered in opening robbery happens before the scene where Sykes is at methane refinery talking with boss of refinery. In the movie it's other way around.

In the script, scene where Kipling takes some drug inside men's room happens between the two scenes in which Sykes and George are talking inside the car right after Sykes picks him (George) up. In the movie dialogue scene between two of them is shown with no cuts and scene where Kipling takes drug is shown prior to scene where Harcourt gives speech.

In the scene after the Harcourt's speech in hotel where Sykes and George are talking with him and Harcourt, Kipling regognizes Sykes and later when they get out he tells that to Harcourt but Harcourt says that Sykes's new partner is the one he is worrying about.

Scene where George and Sykes get some food does not happen in this part.

Shooting range scene in which Sykes gets his new gun and practices shooting happens in this part of the script. Also scene is little longer, Sykes tells George to show him how good he is with his .38.

In the bar scene where they are looking for Porter, Sykes tells his name and all Newcomers start laughing. He realizes why when he remembers what his name means in their language (shthead).

Bar scene is different in script. After Porter insults him Sykes uses his flashlight to temporarly blind few Newcomers but Porter grabs his flashlight and pushes Sykes on the table. Sykes tries to hit Porter with flashlight but Porter grabs him and is about to hit him but George grabs Porter's hand.

After the fight, dialogue between Sykes and George is little longer then in the movie. Sykes asks George how come he was in quarantine with Porter and George explains that it's because of the random selection process.

Dialogue between Sykes and Porter in the street is little longer.

In this part of the script, scene where Sykes and George are having something to eat happens.

Extra dialogue scene in car. George learns Sykes few lines from his language, he also explains that word Ss'loka' (which is how Porter called Sykes in their earlier bar fight) means "Small, but inteligent creature". Sykes also learns how to say "Your mother mates out of season" line spoken earlier by Porter.

Scene in the movie where "Strader" is drowned doesn't happen in the script at this point.

Opening part of night club scene where Sykes and George are watching Cassandra dancing is not in the script.

Now, this is very long scene which is in the script but was probably deleted/re-edited from the movie; While Sykes is talking with Cassandra, George searches through some rooms and finds traces of drug for Newcomers. This is why Sykes starts pointing to George to go outside in movie. When Sykes leaves Cassandra's room, she calls another Newcomer named Todd Watson over the intercom and tells him that police were there asking about Strader and looking for him. However George who is in the room right next to Watson's hears this. When he enters, Watson is not there. Suddenly Watson appears from behind and hits George with chair then two of them start to fight. Sykes hears the fight and enters the room and points his gun at Watson but Cassandra appears and attacks Sykes. Watson shoves George and starts running towards fire escape. Sykes manages to cuff Cassandra while George goes after Watson. While George is chasing Watson on parking lot, Sykes jumps onto the ground from fire escape. Watson manages to reach his car and George aims his gun at him but does not shoot and almost gets hit by Watson's car. Sykes manages to jump onto the hood of the car and Watson crashes into some parked cars. When Sykes pulls him out of the car Watson tries to hit him but Sykes hits him (Watson) in nerve centers under the arms and Watson falls on ground. Sykes and George question him about the Joshua Strader but he tells them that he doesn't know where he is. Sykes then gives him his business card and tells him to call him when Strader comes back, and while he is walking away with George this is when he says "George you handle the women from now on" line which is in the movie. After this scene, Watson is hit in head with shotgun and then the scene on the beach is shown where he is beaten up by Harcourt's thugs.

I will try to explain how this scene was re-edited and what happened to character Todd Watson. He is in the script and has couple of scenes but is not in the movie. In the script, Strader's dead body with two bullet holes in it is shown to Watson in order to convince him to join Harcourt, but he refuses and is killed (drowned in sea). In the movie, Strader is the one who is drowned in sea. But if you look closely at dead body which they show on beach later in movie you can see that it has two bullet holes, plus clothes on body is different then the one that "Strader" wore when he was carried off into the sea to be killed. This is because person which they refer to as Strader is actually Todd Watson and after he is killed his body is not found.

If you notice, Harcourt is only one who calls "Strader" by that name, but Harcourt is not shown onscreen when he says that name. Part of the dialogue spoken by Harcourt in which he says "...Mr Strader..." was probably dubbed and added later when scene (and rest of the movie) was cut. Why? Because filmakers didn't want to create a plot hole or continuity mistake. So that's why character Todd Watson is called Strader in the beach scene and it's also the reason why Cassandra tries to kill Harcourt later in the movie when George tries to take the drug and arrest him. In original script dialogue in this scene goes like this;

JETSON (George)
The charge is murder... and conspiracy to commit murder. Hubley, Porter, Strader... probably others.

There's a flicker of concern behind Harcourt's icy blue eyes.
Cassandra stares at Harcourt.

You... you killed Strader?

Cassandra runs to Harcourt grabbing his jacket.

Where's Todd?! Did you do something to Todd?!

Harcourt looks down at her, totally uninvolved.

Todd? Who is Todd. (then remembers; smiles) Ah, poor Mr. Watson.

Cassandra's eyes go wide as the horror of what he said sinks in. Jetson nudges Harcourt with the suitcase. They start out. Cassandra, wild with rage, grabs Quint's .357 and with a KEENING WAIL, brings it up toward Harcourt's face.

This scene in the movie is very obviously edited because there is something very off with the way Cassandra gets angry and pulls a gun on Harcourt. Just watch and you will see.

Parts of the deleted chase scene between Sykes, George and Watson are still in the movie. After the scene where Sykes and George interupt the drug deal between Newcomers and humans near the ending of the movie, Sykes is seen chasing some Newcomer who appears out of nowhere. In first few shots Sykes is shown carrying his gun but when he catches up with Newcomer and knocks him out he doesn't have his gun anymore. This is because this Newcomer is Todd Watson, but this small fight scene was edited from deleted/extended night club scene described above. Also if you look at the clothes that Newcomer in this scene wears, you can cleary see that it's the same clothes that he (Watson/"Strader") wore in the scene before he is taken into the sea and killed. Another goof in this scene is right after Sykes knock out Newcomer. Right after that part of the scene and when George points his gun and starts screaming at Harcourt and Kipling who are running in police car, Sykes can be seen running down the stairs with gun in his hand. Not even two seconds before he is shown without gun and on the parking lot.

Back to differences between script and movie...

Watson's death is little longer and gorier, bad guys talk more about what's gonna happen to him and then his hand and his legs get into the sea water and he starts to scream in pain.

After Watson is killed, Kipling says to Harcourt that Watson talked with two cops before they picked him up.

There is more dialogue between Sykes and George in Sykes's house. They talk about Sykes's divorce, George says joke about how his people eat their dead only on fridays.

Morning beach scene where Strader's dead body is found is longer. Fedorchuck screams some jokes at George who is watching the scene from the hill due to his fear of water.

Extra scene where George and Sykes are in some burger stand and they talk about murders and connections between them.

More dialogue between George and Sykes in elevator in the scene where George tells Sykes about the drug.

Extra scene where Sykes can't drive the car because of the pain in his hand so he asks George to do it.

Couple more lines are said by George during the drive towards methane refinery.

In the movie, scene where Harcourt tells Cassandra that he must remember her name happens between the scenes where Sykes and George are driving towards methane refinery and scene where George leaves Sykes and goes on his own in club to stop Harcourt from selling the drug. In the script this scene happens before they drive to refinery.

When he grabs her, George asks Cassandra where is Harcourt and she shows him.

After the shootout, Sykes talks briefly with Cassandra before going after Kipling and Harcourt.

George says more lines during the car chase which is different then the one in movie.

After Harcourt overdoses, Sykes takes the suitcase with drug and goes back towards burning cars. Suddenly he is attacked by Kipling. After seeing his bracelet, Sykes regognizes Kipling as the one who killed his partner in the beggining. Kipling tries to kill Sykes with suitcase but George takes Sykes's gun and shoots Kipling several times sending him and suitcase into the fire. This deleted scene can be seen in theatrical trailer at 00:52 (Kipling kicks Sykes who drops his gun) and at 1:09 marks (Kipling lifts the suitcase and is about to kill Sykes who is on the ground but George shoots Kipling and kills him);

Also one lobby card shows Kipling holding the suitcase above Sykes who is on the ground;

I have two more pictures of this deleted scene but i can't find them online. One picture shows George shooting from Sykes's gun and second one shows Sykes laying on ground next to burning cars and looking at something (probably George) with surprised look on his face.

When they are searching for mutated Harcourt dialogue between Sykes and George is longer and scene is different.

Mutant Harcourt actually speaks and asks Sykes was he looking for him when he appears in front of Sykes.

Final chase and fight between Sykes and Harcourt is different.

Harcourt kills the boat captain by impaling him with something.

When George is pulling Sykes out of water Harcourt grabs Sykes's ankle but his hand gets teared away.
