MovieChat Forums > Akira (1988) Discussion > Movie Is Fantastic

Movie Is Fantastic

I watched this at about 20 and loved it but had a few questions as to what exactly was going on. I re-watched it a few years later and it made much more sense and I understood all of it perfectly. I don't understand the guy raging at how bad the movie was and how hard it is to understand without the manga, etc, etc, blah, blah. It's really not that hard to get if you have a functioning brain. It's a great movie regardless of how good the manga was (never read it) and I think the points made by the film are wonderfully presented and I appreciate that it took me two viewings to fully get it. The movie is powerful and bizarre, terrifying and awesome. PEACE


It took my years, I first saw it at 12 and it freaked me out so much I was mixed on it, but it stuck with me and years later I watched it at 17 and I enjoyed it a lot, this was a time I started studying film seriously.

After that, everytime I watch the movie I respect it more, the music, images, themes and overall tone is memorable and very well done, I also think the plot becomes very clear if you pay enough attention.

Nowadays I just kind of love it, this movie is up there for visuals and I have read wonderful papers on the depth of this film and it's striving to create some type of new art form.


Agree. Rather amazing how well this one holds up to this day. I remember my dad talking about this movie when I was a kid and I wasn't allowed to see it. It lived up to the expectations I gathered. But I also had to watch it twice to 'get it'.

"...I reserve the right to change my opinion on a movie at any point in time."
