MovieChat Forums > Akira (1988) Discussion > Akira: Full Explanation

Akira: Full Explanation

1. Akira is set in an alternative world: as soon as the 60s, a secret military starts experimenting on kids. Some of these class of kids, several years prior to the event, includes the 3 future Esper kids we see and young Akira, who all show great promises

2. They are able to manipulate the fabric of the universe (mind, energy, matter, organic...), in fact it's hinted at the beginning of the movie when we see a blurry/noisy picture like an ocean of quarks that turns out to be blood, the doctors indicator is nothing but an oscillating melody translating their power in harmonics, and the end fades out on a universe.

3. They give these kids drugs to enhance their powers and for unknown reason, Akira ends up unleashing his power to explode over old Tokyo, which is the explosion we see at the beginning of the movie. It's uncertain how or why, but this follows with a WWIII.

4. The movie starts several years later, in a newly built Neo Tokyo. The government and military continue their experiences on the now mutant children, while they managed to seal the remains of Akira in silicon plates submerged in tubes and hidden.

5. Tetsuo runs into one of the Esper child, and because he has pre-existing mutant condition, it triggers powers in him, which are echoed by Akira's telepathic presence which calls Testuo in order to be liberated. When Testuo retrieves the remain of Akira, his power start to unleash in a disorganized creation of organic matter forming like a newborn baby.

6. The Esper child then get there to convince Akira to use his powers to stop Testuo (whose explosion may have been even more destructive), and when they agree on it, the tubes housing Akira are destroyed thus liberating him. He then creates an explosion so powerful that it destroys Neo Tokyo.

7. But this is not just a nuclear explosion, and that's why the Espers are able to save Kaneda: this creates a big-bang like explosion where time, space and dimensions are confused leaving some time for Kaneda to see the past, the present and the future (in form of flashbacks), and then a new universe is formed by Akira's consciousness.

Bridging with quantum theory and Nietzsche Ć¼bermenschen theory, we then understand that these powered child were but the first mutants and that more and more will come, with the capacity of realizing the full human potential which is that of creating one's own reality.


I should watch the ending again. I was thinking that it was supposed to represent a new coming of age...that happened before but failed...and hopefully the new humans wouldn't fail this time out.


This is spot on.
I always had my issues with point 7, though, despite this is the common explanation. On the one hand, in both the movie and the comic a lot of the remaining characters (Kaneda, Kei, Kai, in the comic also the colonel and some side characters)survive the huge blast which is created by Tetsuo and Akira, and this enforces the theory of the new universe. On the other hand, they are left in the ruins of New Tokyo (also in the movie and the comic, as well), which look as aspected if two huge bombs blow up there. In the comic, there are also other survivors of the blast present in the end, as well as some U.N. soldiers and foreign scientists. Tetsuo and Yamagata ( a character of the gang, featured more prominently in the comic) appear as "ghosts", while Akira and the Espers seem to have gone away. So, if this is an new universe, why does Tokyo lie in ruins. If the new universe is there, I guess its a place "elsewhere" which Akira and the others created and where they can live without being bothered by soldiers and scientists.


I haven't read the comics in a while... but just for the movie, I personally take it less that an alternate universe was created than that Tetsuo and the Espers became light-beings (which Akira had been since 1988), one with the aether, transcending physical being and existing everywhere at once, simultaneously everything and nothing, the macrocosm and the microcosm, "as above, so below" being the main theme of the movie.

That is why when Kai asks where Tetsuo went, the light shines through the clouds onto Kaneda, as if the light itself is the answer he can't explain. And the Espers saying "someday we'll also be able to, because it's already begun...", they're referring to humanity transcending the body and becoming "ultimate energy".

Now Tetsuo is "with Akira", pure consciousness, Kei's proposed genetic material in the air, in the space dust, actively growing universal knowledge and memories.


Thanks for the explanation. I was so confused the first two times I saw the movie. Was there any hope for Tetsuo to live or did his powers become so out of control that he went crazy and they could not save him?


I'll have to slightly disagree with #7. The destructiveness of the sphere at the end is because it's not so much an explosion but an implosion. In layman's terms, the power that Tetsuo and Akira have/had expands until it collapses into itself due to its immense power becoming too great to control from the physical plane(much like how a black hole is created when a star's gravity becomes so great it collapses in on itself). SO, not so much a Big Bang but a "Big Crunch" with the singularity created by the implosion giving birth to a whole new universe and Tetsuo becoming essentially the creator God for it.

One day men will look back and say that I gave birth to the twentieth century.


I don't think WWIII actually happened. It was just a cover the Japanese government used to explain to its people why Tokyo suddenly blew up. After all, if people found out it was a government experiment that destroyed a city with the population of a small country, there would be an uprising of massive proportions.
