Kelly McGillis
So after watching this I learned that Kelly McGillis, the actress who played the prosecutor, was actually the victim of a home invasion where she was assaulted and raped by two men. One man got a three year sentence and the other walked away based on lack of evidence which caused her to feel victimized twice. This took place not five years before she made this movie. If I understand correctly, she was offered the role of Tobias but said she just couldnt do it because of her experience. She did VERY MUCH want to play the prosecutor though and they gave it to her. It took enormous guts on her part to willingly submit herself to this material if true. It must have been so personal for her to play this part. I wonder if the role offered a kind of catharsis for her considering the circumstances. Makes me curious if there are any other well known examples of victim actors playing roles that paralleled their personal tragedies.
Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.