Best Lines?

What do you think were some of the best lines from the series?

Two of my personal favorites from "To Heal the Leper":

"How about a little off the top?"


"What would you do with all those brains?"
"I'd make detective, sir".


You beat me to the "How about a little off the top?" line - that's definitely a line that I love and it gets me every time I think about that line, but here are a few more:

Ironhorse's "Great. First the white man, now aliens." ("Thy Kingdom Come")

And the classic Quinn quip "To Life Immortal... sucker." ("The Prodigal Son")

The possessed Mason with his chilling delivery of "We all have to die... sometime." ("The Good Samaritan")

Then there's this cynical exchange between the Advocacy from "Goliath is My Name":

"We can rely on the self-destructive nature of the primitives."
"It is our greatest ally."
"And our greatest enemy. (pause) This is truly a filthy place."

I also loved it in "My Soul to Keep" when they think the alien infant is dead until it attacks Suzanne, at which point Ironhorse takes a torch to it. I just loved the way Norton observes "Wow. It's dead now." It seems like nothing, but it's just the way Philip Akin says it makes me laugh every time I hear it.

Plus several more that would take more time to sift through.

Formless, faithless, and free.


One of my favorite lines was from Advocate #2 (played by Ilse Von Glatz- whose very voice alone sends chills down my spin) in "Goliath is My Name":

"You all look very barbaric and should experience little trouble blending in with your environment. Remember, when you arrive at the human's institution of higher learning, the safest way to travel will be through the many miles of service tunnels criss-crossing beneath the campus. Intelligence was successful in acquiring maps to help you complete your infiltration. Do not become discouraged comrades. You must persevere at all costs. Hopefully, when we have the humans experimental Y-Fever in our possession, the entire North American continent will look as pleasing as this (the camera pans past the news reports of the Y-Fever outbreak, showing the dead and the human suffering)- TO LIFE IMMORTAL!"

It was a mix of Ilse's delivery, Billy Thorpe's music score and George Bloomfield's direction that made that one of my all time favorite scenes.

And how can we forget:

"Remember nothing!"- Katara in "The Angel of Death"


Here's another I just remembered from "Thy Kingdom Come".

The whole dialogue between Ironhorse and Harrison is just long to be too much for me to recall, and I'm unable to do even a half-ass transcript, but I know that Ironhorse is discussing with Harrison that if were to suddenly die ("As opposed to slowly dying?" Harrison interjects), you can't go into battle blind. It all has Harrison responding with "Wow. Dead and blind. You are a chipper one tonight, Colonel."

Formless, faithless, and free.


"Thy Kingdom Come" had tons of great lines.

Loved this line in there:

Bobby: Where's grandma?
Grandma: I'm here. To Life Immortal.

and another one of my favorite lines is from "Choirs of Angels":

"Hello. This is Billy Carlos' answering machine. He's on tour....and you're not."


Gosh, you guys make me wanna go home and watch my tapes.


Another great line from "Choirs of Angels" (my personal favorite WOTW episode) is when the aliens gave Dr. Von Deer the essence he needed for their elusive vaccine:

Alien Soldier: Many travelers died to supply that.
Dr. Von Deer: Died?
Alien Soldier: They gave their lives willingly.
