MovieChat Forums > War of the Worlds (1988) Discussion > Still love the show but....

Still love the show but....

Just got my DVDs. Yeah they're crappy quality--but considering they were charging $100+ for the bootlegs at Comicon........I'll take it.

Anyway--I just watched the 1st episode. Haven't seen it since 1988. I still find the show entertaining. But I do think the premise is totally ridiculous.

I'm sure this has been discussed before--but I find it totally hilarious that nobody seems to remember aliens invaded earth a scant 35 years earlier and killed 1 BILLION PEOPLE. Half the characters that are so incredulous about it were probably even alive back then! That's like 10X the deaths in WWII and people only appear to have a vague recollection of it. (Not to mention the fact that it was an invasion by ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE!!!)

Despite all that, I still love it after 15+ years!


Well, there wasn't really any other option to go with than to have people forget the events of the past, seeing that the film is set in present day as we see it now. I mean really, this isn't exactly a film I would ever have looked at and thought about continuing into a series, but here it is. You just have to accept this and go on. Believe me, the series gets pretty good once you get a few episodes into it. By disc two, it's good, and by disc 3, you should be absolutely hooked. They address the people having forgotten the original invasion a bit more, though only with theories and nothing more. They also address the aliens/Martian thing too. At times, I wish they would just leave it being Martians, but our exploration of Mars ruins that notion as well. I had fond memories of the show, but also recalled it being kind of badly made. I have found it to be far better than I recalled as I have revisited it on DVD for the first time since 1988!


Yeah I think in the 3rd episode or whatever they claim the aliens have some kind of mind control thing going on that causes people to forget traumatic events. But despite this convenient amnesia, I think that people would find the smoking craters where their major cities were a bit curious. Western Europe didn't regain their pre WWII industrial capacity until the 1970s. Just think how long it would take to recover from an alien invasion that killed off a quarter of the world's population!
