Still love the show but....
Just got my DVDs. Yeah they're crappy quality--but considering they were charging $100+ for the bootlegs at Comicon........I'll take it.
Anyway--I just watched the 1st episode. Haven't seen it since 1988. I still find the show entertaining. But I do think the premise is totally ridiculous.
I'm sure this has been discussed before--but I find it totally hilarious that nobody seems to remember aliens invaded earth a scant 35 years earlier and killed 1 BILLION PEOPLE. Half the characters that are so incredulous about it were probably even alive back then! That's like 10X the deaths in WWII and people only appear to have a vague recollection of it. (Not to mention the fact that it was an invasion by ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE!!!)
Despite all that, I still love it after 15+ years!