the chilling music that plays whenever a decomposing alien body is shown, and right before the end credits roll
its underground/cult appeal
norton's uncanny ability to detect alien activity using his computer
the symbolism and significance of the number 3
how blackwood's mind and ironhorse's might complimented eachother
the goriness of a lot of the death scenes - eyes gouged out, skin ripped off, body ballooning and exploding, dismemberment
the aliens' ability to take over human bodies
the aliens' constant scheming to 1) resurrect their comrades, 2) recover their weapons, and 3) destroy all of humanity, and the blackwood team's ability to uncover and disrupt the alien agenda
Well, many of what you mentioned I also happen to love like the use of the number of 3 (if you knew what the writer's bible had on Mor-Tax, you would be even more in love), but here are some additional ones. Have I mentioned that this is my all-time favourite show?
I loved the Biblical references. You don't see that much in the same television genre. Not to mention that they didn't always refer to the Bible's good guys and bad guys in sync with the Blackwood team and the aliens.
I also loved how the episodes always started out with that alien hand coming up and taking over the earth. In the blackness, you hear this quote plucked from later in the episode that seems so random but sets up the events about to unfold. Again, no TV series has ever put something that distinctive on television.
I also loved the aliens' language. Anyone know what human langauge(s) it was based on? It intrigued me even more when there was no onscreen translation and they seem to be chattering to one another or just going off to themselves.
The aliens' rundown feel with their tecnology. Nothing they have is shiney, but just slapped together crap you threw out in the trash.
The humour. From obvious and hillarious quips to subtle things you don't always pick up the first time around.
The show's spin on UFOlogy. Ever wonder what's going with those cattle mutilations? Look no further than this show.
The aliens standing back-to-back in a triangle making that odd humming noise.
Billy Thorpe's score. The only televison soundtrack that I can recognize. And you got to love the very fact that he knew that a show about war should have a militaristic opening theme.
The Advocacy's dialogue. They certainly have a high opinion of themselves and they almost always talk so dramatically. It was sometimes poetic and often came off as prose in their speech (prime example: "Our job is to think; their job is to do. We must never confuse the two.").
completely irrelevant side note with regards to music. I recently got sucked into the latest Dr. Who revivals (both the Eccelston(sp?) and Tennant) and right when the theme started I was (cliche) sucked right back to when the show used to be on. Sure, they dressed it up a little, as did each sequential series in the past, but the main core was identical. That and the TARDIS sound effect, identical, but brilliant. Has absolutely nothing to do with WOTW, which I loved as well (for 2 seasons anyway), but the way you guys commented about the theme music made me jump in this direction.
The number one cause of death is birth. Come to terms with that and everytihng will be fine.
It's a bit of a cult favourite. As in, you'll either overlook the flaws (mostly budget-wise) and really get into and or you won't. My own high opinion comes partly from being scared by it as a kid. Seeing it again, the flaws are more apparent to my older, jaded eye but beneath the surface of cheap sets and rubbery aliens, I can still recognise the show I love. :)
When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...