This could have been a great Second, and even Third Season if ....
the original theme from the first season was kept, and we didn't have new writes, and producers.
We just learned about a new Alien enemy. The omega force was just getting underway.
There could have been plots where they find the aliens in their nuclear test site.
Endless story lines basically.
I really wish they would have kept with it.
I wouldn't mind a remake with this in mind, even though it would never happen.
The aliens were brutal, and that was great. No reguard for human life. Thats what made this series great. It was awesome how the blackwood people would always be there in time to stop. Even the aliens get the upperhand on certain episodes.
I like the scene where the Advocacy was "rewarding" its scientist with a fresh specimen, and you see a blonde haired beauty, bound, and gagged being drug into the caverns. What gets better than that?