Missing hand intro?

Who here is surprised to find out that the Alien Hand going over the earth in the beggining is not include in the dvd set. Also when I first watched this on tv, the hand going over the earth scared me to the point where I hid my head under my pillow until the hand going over the earth intro was over with. Please share your stories.


I love that little animation, and I cannot believe that of all the stuff they could have edited out, that was what got dropped. I've honestly been hesitant to go back and watch an entire episode from the DVD set simply because of this. When I first watched "The Walls of Jericho" where it was cut out (it wasn't as obvious in "The Resurrection"), it sucked a lot out of me. I almost didn't have the heart to go on watching the episode. I think I might stick a VCD copy of the episode I plan to watch, and cue it to play the animation the animation so I can continue watching the episode on DVD. Combined with being followed by those teaser quotes, it epitomised everything that was cool about the first season! Why, oh why, did they take those out?

Formless, faithless, and free.


It would be very nice if someone from the studio or the distributor just happened to check this board, perhaps they could tell us why the hand was cut. It is a great graphic, and it must have been more trouble to cut it than to leave it. I don't get it. But I also don't get trashing season 2 so there we are.


"and it must have been more trouble to cut it than to leave it."
Don't be so sure. I don't think the opening credits would be replicated for every episode master. I think they just made them once, and spliced them in during the transfer to video. (unlike the closing credits, the opening credits are the same for every episode). I think that every film cut of the episodes would exist without opening credits (this has been shown in other cases. Leaked early cuts of episodes of Angel, for instance, did not have opening credits)
I suspect that when they remastered the DVD, the editors didn't realize that the hand sequence appeared before the episode. It's possible that they didn't even come across the footage for the sequence since, like the opening credits, it was the same in every episode and there would only be one of them.
Funny thing is, this gives us the first hint that they remastered the episodes, but they don't look any better to me than the taped versions we saw on Sci-Fi and Bravo.


Thank you, it's comforting to know that there is a rationality behind this weirdness.


bravo??????????????????????????????? this aired on Bravo??? I only remember this airing on SciFi when ScFi first began. Weird.


I THINK it was Bravo. I watched some episodes when I lived in Toronto back in '97, and they don't get Sci-Fi up there. Perhaps the US and Canadian Bravo are different? They also showed Max Headroom and The Prisoner around that time...


Not Bravo, but rather Showcase... Where '80s Canadian TV goes to die...


There's too much whining over the missing hand animation... after awhile, most hardly miss it.


Actually, you contradict yourself. The fact that so many people are "whining" shows that most people noticed it and want it in the credits. You might not understand this, but the animated hand was an iconic part of the credits and added to the atmosphere of the show. This is just another example of a studio fiddling with a series for the DVD release and we're just supposed to accept it.

"I live the unknown, I love the unknown, I AM the unknown."


When I saw the poster for the Speilberg WOTW with the hand, my first thought was "They ripped off the teaser image from the 80's show". But, then, shortly thereafter, the show got released on DVD and the teaser image was missing. I'm gonna guess that they cut the image out of the show so that it could make it look like it was an original idea for the movie, even though fans of the show know it was not.

The main reason I even remember that hand is because this show used to scare the living hell out of me when I was younger.


I just purchased a copy of the First Season DVD. I can't believe they didn't even bother with commentary tracks and I'm not surprised the animations are missing. I agree, I really liked the hand animation. I also wish they would have included the "count down" commercials. Anyone remember those?

People of the Earth
Thirty Five Years Ago We Invaded Your Planet
You Thought You Stopped Us
You Thought We Were Gone Forever
But You Were Wrong
We Never Left

War of the Worlds


I remeber that. It was great. I actually found it on Youtube at one time but it is gone now ,due to the persons account being suspended. I will look for that.


I also wish they would have included the "count down" commercials. Anyone remember those?

People of the Earth
Thirty Five Years Ago We Invaded Your Planet
You Thought You Stopped Us
You Thought We Were Gone Forever
But You Were Wrong
We Never Left

War of the Worlds

Damn! I sure don't. My VCDs have a few little bonuses, but unforunately those weren't among them (it basically got the episodes with a few adverts for the next episodes with them).

There are probably treasures like that currently resting in the hands of a few lucky fans as we speak. I bet if we got the right ones together we could pool enough goodies to produce a good "supplement" disc.

Formless, faithless, and free.


Well if they have cut out some vital things from the DVD box set then I am not sure I want to watch the show then.

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