episode ?

I remember seeing this in high school. However, I having trouble remembering the title of one of the episodes or if this episode was on the series. In the episode, a social worker is at a shelter doing drug and alcohol rehab work with homeless people. Homeless people start disappearing because they're being abducted by the aliens and their brains are taken for a serum. The serum is taken to a corporation to market and ship out. The CEO/head of the corporation is the father of the social worker. He has the serum analyzed and at the end, he discovers that it's made of human brain and commits suicide. The aliens are discovered and have a shootout with the humans, but not before the social worker is taken by the aliens and used for the serum.

Again, is the WOTW episode and if so, what's the title?



It definately is, its from season 2, episode 9 and is called synthetic love. Kincaids friend end up in the rehab clinic and Kincaid pretends to be an addict to get into the clinic and find out what happened to him.


Fantastic! Thanks for replying. I recently bought the first season on DVD and couldn't find the episode, so I started wondering.


That would be Krebulax. Synthetic Love is the episode name I beleive. It is my gaming name. You can find me all over the place.

Obedience brings Victory, and Victory is Life.
