Here's a question...

Remember the Advocacy from season one? IIRC, weren't they in a hybrid state (a human/alien composite) because they stayed in their human bodies for too long? So they wore their containment suits to keep their bodies cool.

Flash forward to season two, and they (as well as the rest of season one's cool aliens) are being prepared for execution. Harrison watches one such Advocate get executed and it's helmet falls off revealing a fully Mor-Tax head on the executed Advocate. Why would an Advocate have a full Mor-Taxan head when they couldn't escape their human bodies?

Seems to me that it couldn't have been any of the real Advocates in those suits. No way could they have been captured so easily by the stupid Morthren. More than likely, they had some of their soldiers wear duplicate suits while they went into hiding... planning for a time when they could strike... and deal with the threats that loomed for them like the Qar'To and maybe even Quinn. Under that premise, it seems there's an out in case someone could convince the butchers at Paramount that a continuation is possible.

Any thoughts?


It's simple really...the second season writers and producer didn't give a crap about continuity. They seriously did their own thing while making only vague transitional efforts between their version and the superior season 1. You are right, though, that the whole point of the suits was to prevent their bodies from decaying. Then again, didn't we see the Advocacy sport different bodies later in season 1, the episode when one of them got sick and they needed human brains to make a cure?


"Seems to me that it couldn't have been any of the real Advocates in those suits. No way could they have been captured so easily by the stupid Morthren. More than likely, they had some of their soldiers wear duplicate suits while they went into hiding... planning for a time when they could strike... and deal with the threats that loomed for them like the Qar'To and maybe even Quinn. Under that premise, it seems there's an out in case someone could convince the butchers at Paramount that a continuation is possible."

I wish, I so wish...

As for the Advocacy, hadn't they already ditched their original host bodies (of the terrorists) some time after the first episodes? Don't we occasionally spot an alien arm under those suits of theirs, with the same voices they kept being a stylistic quirk on the part of the directors? Unless I'm remembering wrong.

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...


The way I remember it they needed the suit so as to survive outside of a human body so the suit aloud them to go without possessing a new human every 24 hours when they were hidding in there home base. An the impression I got from season two was that when the scientists arrived they constucted human bodies for them selves that were disease resistant an then told there geneticly engineered warriors who had twice failed to conquer the Earth to go patiently wait in line at the suicide machine because of there failure. The idea beeing the first wave from the movie an the first season were made to be biologicly unable to ignor orders from the scientists.


In the season 1 finale the advocacy leads the attack against the Synth. They call for "fresh human bodies" so they could go outside.


Let's face's near impossible to make season 2 work in conjunction with season 1. Had season 2 been a new series with no ties to War of the Worlds, it may have been pretty good. Instead, the lazy effort at continuity absolutely killed it.
