The show's biggest flaw...
I am a fan of everything War of the Worlds. I have the books, some of the comics, the Orson Wells broadcast, the newspaper clippings of the effects of Wells broadcast, and the 1953 movie. Haven't had a chance to buy the Spielburg one yet!
I was excited when this series started. The idea that the aliens were not dead, but in suspended animation was a great idea.
I had one major problem that just ruined the whole thing for me. Whenever Dr . Blackwood would mention the alien invasion of 1953 to anybody, they had no idea what he was talking about! HUH? In the piot episode, Blackwood mentions the '53 invasion to Dr. McCullough and she looks at him like he's nuts. The invasion took place on the entire world. War machines were moving through major cities destroying buildings and killing thousands of people. How can she NOT have known about it? That would be like if you mentioned World War 2 to somebody and they tell you they never heard of it.
Now I enjoy a Government coverup story just as much as the next guy, but there is no way the show was able to convince me that the US Government, or any government for that matter, could have possiblly covered up an alien invasion like the one depicted in the original War of the Worlds movie.
Star Trek Canon is more of what you'd call "guidelines" then actual rules!