Vampire episode?

i have always had this image of an episode of superman on a tv show and there were vampires, and it started as one guy i remember he sprouted his fangs while he was on the phone, his lips wiggled like crazy as 2 inch fangs hung off his teeth, then i remember something about his girl comes over that night, and shes standing in a doorway, and he starts to undress her, and then does the wiggle lip thing, and bites her, then the next shot doesnt make sense to me, i see her and the guy and 2 other people walking out on a desert road, all in black outfits, and it is broad daylight, and all they are wearin is sunglasses, (spf 300?) then i remember supes killing the last one and, since then, i thought he asked a neardy guy for cereal to cure him of being bitten from the vampire, but then i talked about it with my friend and we realized it was serum! but that idea was cool, superman as a vampire. he wouldnt last long ca
use his powers are limited to yellow sun exposure, so he would just turn into a regular vamp. unless his superpower to withstand damage kicked in first, and then it would have worked, he could be the day walker!!!

The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return


Dracula himself appeared in numerous episodes (I know it sounds stupid) and this is the only Superman show I believe he appeared in. I also know that Superboy does actually get bitten in one of these episodes and becomes a vampire too so there you go.
