MovieChat Forums > Superboy (1988) Discussion > the superboy show on DVD??

the superboy show on DVD??

when are the producers going to realise that they need to release this show onto DVD, Do I have to write them a personal letter of recommendations for them to realise??? I also think that the show should be released in pal format as well since it (pal format) has a much better solution/picture than NTSC. My (very into) computer friend says pal format rules...



Gerard Christopher sells a season 2 set of Superboy at his site (the year when he joined). The downside is the set costs $159. The money goes to charity.



Thank you for the info! I will check it out and register now..


I have now voted for the show to be realeased onto DVD but I'm not sure I if I filled in the formula correctly it was somewhat complicated. I did not get what the URL number was? that was something you were suposed to check the IMDB page for. please explain



Thank's but I think I will wait, I think the show will be released soon anyway and for a resonable price and with DVD quality. These private sellers can never be trusted, and 140$$ And still not DVD quality, I think not....


Gerard Christopher, Superboy himself, currently sells a DVD set of Superboy season 2 (1989-1990; the year he joined the series) at his official website
I had heard Gerard was at first hesitant about bringing the show onto DVD (due to legal reasons), but he seems to have changed his mind, due to an overwhelming fan response. He plans to release seasons 3 and 4 on DVD as soon as possible. Gerard's price for the season 2 DVD set is expensive at $159 US.

He just released his DVD set recently (in June 2004). They are pretty good (audio is very good). All episodes have five or six (or was it seven?) chapter stops within them, and the DVDs have a basic, DVD-R-style menu. Gerard's DVDs are still probably better than most private sellers' Superboy DVD collections (which are probably recorded off of VHS copies that were of course taped off from TV, and are probably not 100% perfect in visual and audio quality).

He also offers other Superboy souvenirs for sale such as photos and video tapes (he has four VHS volumes for sale, which contain selected favourite episodes between the show's third and fourth seasons; each tape has 4 episodes). All the items purchased from his website are personally autographed by Gerard Christopher as well (all proceeds from these sales goes towards charity). The visual and audio quality of the VHS tapes was excellent. Gerard has film print masters of all the episodes he was in (since he served as a producer during the show's final season), and has refered to a professional recording place to make copies of his episodes onto tape.


I Posted earlier, I just bought a " bootleg" copy of all the 4 seasons.... 14 Discs, they are some of them clear discs but some are quite grainy too.... Definately in my opinion worth waiting to buy the legit copies when they are released in June 2006...... Im getting my first seson preorded through amazon!!! Worth the wait..... A Lesson learned!!!


I agree, I did the same! bought all four seasons for a hefty 70$ through Ebay, I can tell you that it was not worth the price though, some of the discs were hardly watchable.

Definitly better to wait!!


Good to know. Also, from the Salkind interviews I've read (mainly the one from Supermanhomepage) there's going to be some extras and interviews. With the Season 1 turmoil (i.e. firings), there should be some good stuff.


I should hope so, because they probably need a lot of good and juicy extra material, this since the dvd's have been availabe in pirate format for a long time now..


I Have the pirated" copies of the DVDS Now too.... Enjoying them!!, But still I want to buy the Official dvd sets in June on the true release date... I cant wait to see all the Extras!! You dont get the extras {cast commentaries, Bloopers, Etc.} on these copies.... Honestly, worth the wait till June.


It's out on Dvd, the first seaon June 20th. Check Amazon.
