Season 2

So now the we have season one out on DVD how long before season two and all the other ones come out? Hopefully it does really well so the rest of the seasons come out on DVD quickly. I know I bought mine on my lunch break today at work from best buy. I wish they had this show advertised a llittle more, I had to go to the back of the store to get because they didn't have it with the Superman Returns promo stuff.


Yeah, advertising has been weak, plus there's a TON of Superman stuff out today. Right now, Superboy is climbing up the Amazon list (up 10 slots) so hopefully that's good enough for a Christmas Season 2 release. With a promotional push this time!





I thought it was strange that in the Superman Documentary, they downplayed Haymes-Newton and Season 1 and showcased Gerard Christopher. Maybe it was propoganda.




Actually it had fair ratings even under Newton, they were continually climbing throughout the first season. The only thing it had going against it ratings-wise was that it was in first run syndication and therefore had no set night and timeslot, nor a network to do the advertising for it.

Season 2 will definitely be out, probably after the New Year though. I work at the Best Buy in Everett, Washington, and we sold out all of our copies (yes, I bought one) and I had to turn away several people who were asking for it. I think we started with between 10 and 12 units. We put four on our Superman Returns Display Box along with all the other Superman-related DVD's, then about six in our "TV A-Z" section, and the rest were put in our back wherehouse. The ones on the display were gone within an hour of opening, I kid you not. We "flexed" some more out (I actually hid the one I wanted in a cabinet so I could get it on my lunch break), and the started going away fast. We had to start sending people to our sister stores in Lynnwood, Belingham, and Northgate. It warmed my sick little heart.

Give Blood Today
God Bless!


That's awesome, I'm glad to here it was doing well at your store. I know when I went into best buy there were a few copies left so hopefully they ended up selling out. Did anyone find a copy of Superboy in Walmart or Target? I went there before Best Buy hoping it would be out at midnight, but they were not carrying it.


I think the one thing this has going for it is that it wasn't seen in syndication for the last 14 years and this is going to be the only way we can see it now. I know that's why I ordered set.

I just watched the first episode and was laughing my ass off. This was so cheesey - and it was bringing me back to when I was 10 years old.

This series got so much better towards the end, I hope we get to see it, too.





Im in the UK and I remember this show from when I was a kid. It was on at 5:30am, yes AM!!, on ITV. I used to get my Dad to set the video to record it for me. I have fond memories of this show, thats why I have ordered it from I shall hopefully receive it the day after tomorrow. What a weekend it will be!!!



Why would anyone say no? Unless they are those Tom Welling/Smallville fanatics (there's nothing wrong with loving Smallville, but get a grip) or those Donner loving/Salkind bashing freaks (there IS something wrong with those people. Of course, WB should release the rest of Superboy. It's not even an issue.


For the record, as of 10/12 only 5 people have said "I don't care..." or "No way." Over welmingly the vote is to the positive, but we need more voters.


The poll is on the left side column near or at the bottom of the page. You will have to register with Supermanhomepage to vote (but of course you already are).


you guys should check the in2tv section at They have episodes of Superboy up that you can watch. They change them out all the time. My friend said they had epi's past season 1 on before - however - all they have up now are season 1 epis. Keep watching...maybe season 2 will come back up.

