Why did John Haymes Newton quit the part of Superboy? Was he given another offer or did he not feel the roll that well?
I thought he was good because he had a young resemblance to Christopher Reeve and he practically was the boy who would become the man.
Don't get me wrong; I thought Gerard Christopher was just as good as he was. I'm just concerned why John Haymes Newton didn't return as Superboy.
Two other things as well:
Whatever happened to Jason White and why is it taking so long for Season 2 to come out on DVD? I kept looking into Amazon.com and other movie sites and no News about it has ever come up when I typed it into the Search engine.
From what I know, John Haymes Newton was fired from the show for a number of different reasons:
1. He was busted for DUI and the producers felt it would give the Superboy character a bad rep and lead to cancellation of the show. The headlines read "Superboy busted for DUI." (The show was ranked at a terrible #48 in the ratings during it's first year and Newton's behavior was definitely not helping).
2. He was drinking on the set, but there was a claus in which no cast or crew member was allowed to drink on the set. (Ilya Salkind explained this in an interview with the Superman Homepage last year).
3. He felt like he wasn't getting paid enough and should be given a pay raise. Newton made this demand because according to him, he did some really dangerous stunts. Newton was never given the pay raise because of his DUI incident.
4. In a 2005 radio interview with Gerard Christopher, he shed some light on the subject on why Newton was fired. One of the things Christopher said was that Newton had demanded that his meals be delivered from restaurants to the set.
Ilya Salkind said in the 2006 interview with the Superman Homepage, and I quote: "Look, Newton was a good Superboy, but if he hadn't *beep* around, he would've been okay." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Regarding Jim Calvert (T.J. White), he was fired because if I'm not mistaken, Ilya Salkind stated that he was a weak supporting role or something like that. I don't know the full details for Jim Calvert's departure.
For the Season 2 DVD, Ilya Salkind told the Superboy Homepage on October 26, 2007, that more Superboy DVDs are coming. The Season 2 DVD will have commentaries and featurettes, like what's in the Season 1 DVD. According to Salkind, Season 2 will either come out "soon" or when the next Superman movie (Superman: The Man of Steel) comes out, which is in 2009. So no release date has been slated for the Season 2 DVD yet. Salkind basically said that we just have to be patient and wait for further developments to occur.
Here are links to Superman sites that mention this news:
Here's the news that was posted at Superman Cinema. It's a good incentive for all Superboy fans to get the Season 2 DVD out sooner:
"Ilya contacted Superboy Homepage about the future of Superboy on DVD. The first season has only been released in the States, but the series was popular in international terrortries. There has been no indication from Warners that it will be released in other regions. If you want to push for season 2, you should write to Warners. Although it has sold well with very little advertising, the studio needs convincing that people will also buy season 2, which arguably is better than season 1."
I just bought season 1 because of Stacy Haiduk, she is gorgeous. I liked most of the stories except when they got political and starting using the same old stereotypes. Examples:Rich hate the poor and ignore them, nuclear weapons protests, environmental issues. I like to be entertained and not preached to about these left wing issues.
I really did enjoy the whole cast, except Lex Luthor. That guy sucked as an actor. Thankfully he was replaced after season 1. Stacey Haiduk was perfect as Lana and remained for the entire run. Newton was a good Superboy, but could not behave so they had to replace him. Calvert was great as T.J. and I don't know why he left or was let go. All three of them really liked the producer who also produced the Superman movies.