MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > Apparently, there is lobbying over at FO...

Apparently, there is lobbying over at FOX to try to revive this show

What a waste! What would be the point if most of the cast wouldn't join her? This would be a LESS successful idea than the Roseanne-less spin-off idea.

Of course the Trumpers are supporting it, though. I really believe that their love for Trump is so cult-like...and so biased that it supersedes all logic, reasoning and morality in their brains.

I know a handful of republicans who hate Trump or at least have a tentative support of him. The rest are nutjobs, it seems.


What a hypocrite.

You complain about Roseanne saying things about others and then you have the audacity to call those that support Trump nutjobs.

That's the problem with the left, they have a cow if someone says something no flattering about them but have no problem doing the same thing to those on the right.


It's ironic that someone as ugly as Roseanne is commenting on someone else's looks. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Typical that Trump supporters don't denounce racism. Then you wonder why you're referred to as nutjobs and racists.


You just don't get it. You think name calling is alright as long as you are the one doing it but when someone that has opposing ideas, you get all bent out of shape and get offended.

You can't have it both ways. Either you attack all name callers or none.


Since when is racism an "opposing idea"? And why are you defending racism?

Roseanne is a troll who caused hundreds to lose their jobs. She's worth millions. I don't see her sharing any of her considerable wealth with the people who are now jobless because of her stupidity.

She's the same loser who dragged her own parents' reputation in the mud by accusing them of sexually molesting her when she was a baby and then later blamed the memories on drugs which seems to be her MO. She takes no responsibility for anything. Where is her public apology to her parents?


I'm not defending anything. I'm saying that everyone should be judged the same and there are people on the left that say things that are just as bad but don't get called out for it.

The difference is those on the right have lives and don't let stupid comments control their lives whereas those on the left look for something to have a fit over when it's someone that doesn't agree with them.


If you have a life than why are you commenting on Roseanne and upset that I disagree with you? Why are you bothered by a racist being fired? Why are you justifying racist behavior?

Roseanne has been in showbiz long enough to know that advertisers don't want controversy associated with their products and services. Advertisers pay for her show. Of course, she was going to be fired and she's stupid for thinking otherwise. Maybe racist Trump will appoint her as an advisor.

It's the right that's whining about Roseanne being fired. Get over it!


No there’s not. You should get a job at CNN because your entire post is unsubstantiated bullshit.

Oh and Trumps approval, is an all time high. Take your pick as to why? Economic growth 300% higher than it was under obama. Or the lowest unemployment in 40 years. Or perhaps you’d like to choose the lowest unemployment among blacks and Hispanics in history.

Talk out your ass, get destroyed.

As for Rosanne, she represents Rosanne. And she made her bed. Sad because ABC cancelling the show costs a lot of people jobs.
