MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > Roseanne's hypocrisy.

Roseanne's hypocrisy.

Why is it so horrible for Dan to go out to lunch with an old flame(Phyllis Zimmer)one time, yet when Jackie actually dates another man while married to Fred, it's just fine and dandy? I thought the excuse making for Jackie's infidelity was simply ridiculous. What she did was far worse than what Dan did. Plus, Roseanne actually blamed Fred for Jackie stepping out on him! It just bugs the crap out of me every time I see that episode.


Yeah me too. Rosanne and Jackie were always perfect, and Dan bedammed. They hate all men, and Rosanne was so cruel to DAn the whole marriage, no surprise he finally cheated


I agree. It also seems as if Fred's only crime was being "boring", and a home body, as if that were enough to justify being unfaithful. Jackie was lucky to have him, considering she was such a flaky neurotic. Roseanne was also lucky to have Dan considering what an overbearing, controlling, loudmouth she was.


Yes i agree. Jackie and Rosanne would always stick together and pile on Dan. He was hard working, a good and loyal husband and father, and Jackie and Rosanne would always stick together and pick on him and give him shit. Rosanne was the reason her kids were such brats. She was a crazy, controlling loud mouth. Never really knew what Dan saw in her. I guess he knocked her up young and had to stick it out


Because the show's really about female empowerment and, at least in Roseanne's eyes, women can do no wrong for the most part.

How many times have we heard her say that men are the root of all evil? She seemed to have a personal vendetta against them (probably something to do with having an abusive father growing up), but married one and had four children. That kinda goes against everything she stands for, and makes her a hypocrite in the process.

If I remember the Phyllis Zimmer episode correctly, he was imagining her while making love to Roseanne. If I were Dan, I would have kept my mouth shut. It's not as though he acted upon his fantasies. He was simply catching up with an old friend. I'm sure Roseanne would've had no qualms if a former crush from school also wanted to see what she was up to nowadays.

I made a whole thread about Fred and Jackie. He was so nice to her prior and throughout the duration of their marriage, even after the divorce was finalized. Jackie was the one who acted like a narcissistic nut the entire time.

But, again, it all boils down to it being the man's fault. Dan and Fred wound up getting the short end of the stick in their relationships.
