Times where you didn't like Jackie
First of all, I have to say that Jackie is one of my favorite characters on this show, but there were times where I didn't like her, mostly in the later seasons. Here's the times I didn't like her.
When she didn't want Fred to have anything to do with his own baby. Seriously, Fred was a nice guy, and she was pretty vicious towards him, and even hung out with another man behind his back. She thought he was too boring. He seemed to be a good guy, a good father, and a good husband, so I don't know what her problem was.
In Let Them Eat Junk, I understand her being angry that Roseanne gave Andy junk food, and went against her instructions, but she took it too far by insulting the kids. They weren't perfect, but they could have been a lot worse.
When she told Dan that if he had a job then he wouldn't notice how much she comes around. That was just mean.
Oh, and how she constantly stuck up for her father and belittled her mother. I understand Jackie's frustration with Bev, for she is nails on a chalkboard, but how come she hates her mother so much but has no problem with the guy that beat her and Roseanne as well as cheated on their mother? She even defended him when she found out!
Who else agrees?