MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > Roseanne was a cooler mother then Claire...

Roseanne was a cooler mother then Claire Huxtable

Watching the first few seasons I think Roseanne was a cooler mother then Claire Tableaux. Claire was definitely a Kathy Bowman type. Roseanne was more identifiable and realistic. also funnier.


Season 2 Roseanne for sure.

Season 8 Roseanne.... not sure about that one.


Well earlier season for sure she was cooler then Claire. I agree with your post.


Why are we comparing Clair Huxtable and Roseanne Conner?


I am not


Uh, yes you are?



I totally disagree. Claire Huxtable wasn't anything like Kathy Bowman. Kathy was a frigid, anti-social snob, who considered herself to be better than all those around her, and whom no one but her husband liked. Claire WAS likable. Claire WAS sociable. Claire HAD warmth and liked to laugh. Claire is simply the type of woman who is so well put together and confident that anyone who is insecure about themselves or their situation might be erroneously intimated in her company.

Yeah, Claire had the luxury of well-to-do status, but when it comes down to it, she wasn't any more "uncool" of a mother than Roseanne. Claire simply didn't tolerate, and was quick to extinguish, unnecessary nonsense. But if you were reasonable, so was she.

I think if the two of them ever met, Roseanne probably would have been intimidated by Claire, only because of class/status...but would've been hard pressed to genuinely dislike her.


I talking early Season not later. Claier was a Know it all snob.



Oh for sure. It's not even a comparison. Roseanne was friends with her kids, and was pretty leniant (even if she did ground her kids on occasion). Claire was rather strict, and was devoted to her job as well (which she loved doing unlike Roseanne) even if she was a nice woman. Both were good moms, but just in different ways. Both sets of kids would probably be lost if they had to trade places too (except for maybe Denise who probably would love the Conners).



I would rather have Claire for a mom even though I love Roseanne, it would have been really hard growing up in the Conner house.


Yeah, I would've fared better with Clair. I desired structure and security. Plus, I preferred having a mother not sabotaging my future.

Black men and a whole lot of *beep* white men have had plenty fun adoring my ass!


I wonder how Denise would get along with Darlene.


I wonder how Denise would get along with Darlene.


Do you mean if Denise and Darlene were the same age?

If they were both in high school probably not. Denise was more interested in boys and dating while Darlene was less interested in being social.

Kramer: ...he was very impressed with what I do.
Elaine: What you do? You don't do anything!
