MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > Jackie's Insane Logic Concerning Andy & ...

Jackie's Insane Logic Concerning Andy & Fred

After they divorce, Jackie is overwhelmed by Andy and is jealous of Fred for getting to have fun and do more stuff. Dan suggests she give Andy to Fred more often. She doesn't wanna do that. Why? I'm confused. Fred WANTS more time with Andy. Jackie wants more time without Andy. How was this not a perfect solution? Why did Jackie choose to be miserable in that scenario? She said no to Bev watching him. She has no life and no friends outside of Roseanne and the friends that she has. Why did she want to be so closed off and unhappy? But just focusing on the baby thing... it makes no sense to me.


It's really not so insane. A lot of people when they split up, the one who has the kid doesn't want the other to have them. Sometimes it's for selfish reasons, other times it's because they don't want the other parent badmouthing them to their kid, which happens a lot, or in Fred's case maybe teaching Andy any of his uptight weird habits.


Because like most chronic whiners, she doesn't want a solution. She'd rather complain about the problem than have it fixed.



Because she was Jackie. And Jackie was nuts!


After they divorce, Jackie is overwhelmed by Andy and is jealous of Fred for getting to have fun and do more stuff. Dan suggests she give Andy to Fred more often. She doesn't wanna do that. Why? I'm confused. Fred WANTS more time with Andy. Jackie wants more time without Andy. How was this not a perfect solution? Why did Jackie choose to be miserable in that scenario? She said no to Bev watching him. She has no life and no friends outside of Roseanne and the friends that she has. Why did she want to be so closed off and unhappy? But just focusing on the baby thing... it makes no sense to me.

I've always found the end of this scene incredibly impactful. Dan relieves an anguished Jackie of her screaming baby, only to have to hand him back over so he can participate in Roseanne's video. Jackie tries to soothe Andy but to no avail - he actually becomes even more upset - and the scene cuts abruptly to Roseanne. I'm not a parent but have always thought this was an accurate depiction of single parent/divorced life.



Yeah, but she chose that twice. She didn't want Fred to see his own kid and caused horrific chaos and then once the chaos died down she got bored and then divorced Fred. She's always choosing to be miserable. It makes no sense.

