at that point in time, that was a GREAT starting salary.
In fact, I remember seeing one of my father's paychecks as a cop in StL in late 80s. 5-10 years later, after I finally got out of fast food, I was making the same amount after a few years. He had been on the job almost twenty at that point.
so we had been living off the same income for six people, plus farm expenses (-30 acres, couple horses, dwindling head of durocs/fowl). then 200/mo for child support for my sisters after the divorce in 90, but one I had to write up the release for him when she turned 18. Mom just wanted minimum to help make ends meet for her minimum wage job.
by that time, I had cheap apartment, used car paid for, basic bills and I was barely making ends meet. and no on disability, I'm making less than poverty wages (13k/year), so forget a lot of stuff I'd like to do. like getting a PT job that I can't physically handle.
btw, I still never made that much a year. neither did dad by the time he retired after 30 years on the job.