MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > Bridge over troubled Sonny

Bridge over troubled Sonny

Rewatching and I can't believe how insensitive they all were about it. I know it's kind of a crazy way to die and that they use humor constantly to deal with things but damn they were harsh. Not just to her but to the guy's memory.


I thought that was a weird ep when it first aired, and I still do frankly.

Odd enough that they just 'left' this poor guy's body in a bridge, but then for everyone to laugh at Crystal being wigged out about it....seemed ghoulish.
Jackie couldn't even handle calling people to tell them about her dad's death (a dad that she claimed she hated so much), yet they laugh at Crystal.

OK yes, her hubby was a cheat & they thought he was crappy for it (he was) and that Crystal didn't know (she did).
But was her husband & her business, and she loved him.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.



I've noticed in the earlier seasons they had a lot of weird episodes like think. I always wonder (as an adult now) if they were just emmy bait. Like look "our range" or "We can be serious actors too". The Tornado episode is like that imo. All dramatic and out of place.

They were always so mean to Crystal. I don't get why someone as nice and decent would hang out with Roseanne.


They were always so mean to Crystal. I don't get why someone as nice and decent would hang out with Roseanne.

To be fair, they were nice to Crystal all through Season 3. It's only in Season 4 that it turns nasty from what we see, and luckily Crystal calls Roseanne out on it.


That would be an awful way to die, because the person is buried alive. That would be hard for anyone to get over.


It would have been better if his cause of death was actually funny. Getting encased in cement seems like a horrific way to die. Who would laugh uncontrollably at that? I'd get it if he was hit by a clown car or something, but not this.

Reportin' live for Black TV: White folks are dead, we gettin' the f*@# outta here!


I always thought that the episode sort of dealt with the insensitive way the Dan and Roseanne talk about the death. It does seem a bit strange that everyone would make SO many jokes about it, but I feel like the ending scene, when Chrystal "talks" to Sonny, changes Dan and Roseanne's perspective and probably makes it so they wouldn't make so many jokes anymore, as they get a firsthand look at just how much Chrystal is still suffering. I always liked the episode. It was sort of like, everyone thought it was funny, and yet when they hear Chrystal pour out her emotions, they realize it's not funny (okay, maybe a little, but not as much as they had thought).
