In S1 when him and Lister were talking about a date he went on with yvonne mcgruder, Lister said the only reason she went out with him was because she knocked her head and was concussed, Rimmer then said "Well I slept with her" and Lister the said "because she was out of it, confused and thought you were somone else" or words to that effect.
I know Rimmers meant to be totally unlikable, but I think having him rape a woman was going way too far and not funny either
The book on how to hypnotise people into going to bed with you would suggest he's not exactly a gentleman :P Regarding Yvonne McGruder, didn't he say another time that she got him drunk and took advantage of him? His parallel lady was rather rape-y and aggressive, maybe karmic payback, or a further refelction of what a scumbag he is when it comes to sex.
Kung fu movies are like porn. There's 1 on 1, then 2 on 1, then a group scene...
I'm not sure the writers ever intended to make Rimmer a rapist in the way we would understand it today. Whilst he's meant to be a smeg head, we're also meant to feel sympathy for him from time to time and that's not something we should feel towards an actual rapist.
I haven't watched series 7/8 for a while but didn't Lister once say that he wished he could have taken advantage of Kochanski when she was drunk? Didn't he also watch a naked woman in a shower without her knowing? That would be considered dodgy behaviour today but not so much back in the 90's, so in some respects the show has aged. We also have Rimmer saying that as a teenager, he woke up to find his uncle trying to kiss him - the uncle thinking Rimmer was his female cousin or something. Again today, the idea of an uncle sneaking into his niece's bedroom wouldn't be considered funny.
exactly! The thing about Rimmer is that he wanted to be an officer so badly, and raping someone is not in the cards as officer material. Also, the terms and conditions of rape back when season 1 was made was VASTLY different than what is considered rape now. almost 30 years ago. even now, if both of the people were blind drunk when the act occurred it is still considered rap and the guy is at fault! a girl can lie about her age and then sue the guy for stat rape even though she did consent.
but the uncle was thinking that was Rimmer's mum. that comes out during the last day episode of series 3 -- with Kryten getting upgraded.
She had concussion and thought he was someone called Norman. His response when this is pointed out is "Serves her right for being concussed". That particular moment has not exactly stood the test of time well.
I don't think anyone would deny that that scenario is iffy to modern day eyes, just that back in the late 80's when it was written, Rob and Doug probably didn't consider that Rimmer was being an actual rapist - taking advantage yes.
We're not meant to consider Rimmer as an actual villain, so the idea of him committing rape doesn't really fit his character and Lister doesn't seem to view him as such either.
Would you accuse show creators Rob and Doug of writing rape jokes or do you just put it down to the show being written in the late 80's, when views about what constituted sexual assault were different?
As I said previously, it's a moment that has not stood the test of time well. I don't recall ever hearing anyone question this exchange when I was young and the show first aired. But when Back to Earth aired, I was present at an event where some classic episodes were shown, and the moment drew horrified gasps from the audience.
Is he guilty of forcing his cruel boner into an unwilling boxing champion? Nope.
Not even close.
I guess the other question is, was Rimmer, one who is depicted as somewhat less fit than Chris Barrie actually was at the time, taken advantage of by an obviously very strong and fit woman who thought he was Norman?
And Rimmer, like the champion he is, takes it on the chin and brags about it.
Charming stuff. One quick example of where some people here are going wrong:
Sexual Offences Act 1956
Lack of consent may be demonstrated by:
The complainant's assertion of force or threats; Evidence that by reason of drink, drugs, sleep, age or mental disability the complainant was unaware of what was occurring and/ or incapable of giving valid consent; or Evidence that the complainant was deceived as to the identity of the person with whom (s)he had intercourse.
I'm pretty sure there is some context needed right there, because from that I could get very drunk, initiate sex with someone, and I would be the rape victim even if I was on top powersubbing.
Even better, that person could ALSO be very drunk, and I guess we'd be raping each other?
Context is obviously important. For instance, if you know someone has a brain injury and is only willing to have sex with you because they actually believe you're a different person, you're a spectacularly awful person if you take advantage of them, and any jokes about it, particularly ones hinging on you blaming them for their circumstances, will probably not stand the test of time. In fact, in that context, you'd probably just end up looking like an unrepentant sexual predator.
I don't think he is, they explain she had "wonky vision and thought he was someone else" I'm going to assume that wonky vision was the only side effect she had and wasn't mentally impaired.
so it's like getting laid because someone thinks you are Brad Pitt, they don't get to scream "r a p e" afterwards when they find out you only looked like him.
if it's still an issue, welcome to tweet at the writer, he will probably tell you Rimmer isn't.
"What about Yvonne McGruder? That was a date." "She'd been hit on the head by a winch. She had concussion." "She was crazy about me." "She called you Norman." "She went to bed with me." "Yeah, because she thought you were somebody else." "Serves her right for being concussed, doesn't it?"
they don't get to scream "r a p e" afterwards when they find out you only looked like him
I think they do.
If you said ," I'm Brad Pit , lets have sex , then get married because i'm a successful guy who can offer you and our children a secure future"
and then in the morning your Tom-the-nobody who just brags about it to his buddies ...
Nah, the implication is that Rimmer is such a loser he can only get laid when the woman thinks he's someone else. It's a comedy show, so the "rule of funny" applies - is someone being a rapist funny? No. Is someone being a massive loser funny? Sure! You might not think the joke landed, but that's what the scene was implying.