MovieChat Forums > Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988) Discussion > Movies they didn't riff but you wish the...

Movies they didn't riff but you wish they had

Here's my list:

- Attack of the Beast Creatures

- Spawn of the Slithis

- Scared to Death (1980)

- Bog (1979)

- Alien Dead

- Gallery of Horror (1967)

- Star Crash

- Tarantula (1955)

- Blood Beach

- Teen Alien (1978)

- The Dark (1979)


- Mac and Me

- Munchies

- Dracula VS Frankenstein

- Purple People Eater


Night of the Lepus
4 words: Giant. Killer. BUNNY RABBITS! 

More Godzilla movies
I mean, COME ON!

Any and all movies based on video games

The Marvelous Land of Oz
A super cheap adaptation of the of 2nd Oz book, made by the director of Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny & its inserts and starring his mush mouthed son.

Gappa, the Tri-Amphibian Monster
In a sub-genre filled with silliness (Japanese Giant Monsters Movies), this one takes the cake!

Something Animated
There are a lot of mediocre/bad cartoon movies out there!

The Giant Claw

Creature from the Haunted Sea

Super Monster Gamera
Our old buddy teams up (though I use the term loosely) with some superheroines (I use the term even more loosely) to fight a space pirate who attacks Earth with stock footage from all the previous Gamera movies (and the anime Galaxy Express 999) and stole a Star Destroyer.

Bella Lugosi meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
...and a couple of guys who rip off Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

TNT Jackson and/or Blackbelt Jones
While I'm not sure how they'd feel about the "Blaxploitation" part, they could do a lot with the extra silly kung-fu action.

Red Riding Hood and the Monsters AKA Red Riding Hood Meets Tom Thumb
A Mexican kids movie from the same people who gave us Santa Claus...

Yog, the Monster Outer Space AKA Space Amoeba
A Kaiju movie that features a lobster being called a crab, a squid being called an octopus, cartoon bats, toy dolphins, and people turning into dolls when they fall victim to the monsters.

Flight of the Lost Balloon
An adventure movie featuring (among other things) obvious mat outlines, vulture puppets, short gorillas, the world's most shallow lake, and an obviously evil villain one can't believe anyone would trust.

The Legend of Galgameth
A kids fantasy that plays like a live action version of Pokémon, featuring laughable effects, a villain you know is evil the moment you see him, an Asian played by a white guy, and a hero who needs other people to do everything for him.

The Land of Faraway
A fantasy movie with a kid riding in a giant's beard and a villain who makes lightning flash whenever someone says his name. Featuring Christopher Lee and a very young Christian Bale.

A Hong-Kong take on Japanese super heroes that plays like a very busy, very crowded episode of Ultra-Man or a one-man show of Power Rangers that makes "Prince of Space" look Oscar worthy

The Greatest Plot

Not only does it feature some silly kung-fu (flying guillotines that look like weaponized sombreros, a woman trying to towel slap people to death, and a contraption straight out of the Legend of Zelda), but over the top melodrama makes it like a very action packed soap opera!

Hercules vs, the Hydra
AKA the Love of Hercules
Among the many highlights they could work with are Hercules getting over his wife's murder in record time, a barely mobile hydra, and men being turned into fakey trees.


They should have snagged the 1998 Godzilla movie failure. It had to be the one film where the audience wanted Godzilla to destroy all humans.


Rifftrax, which is the same people just not in MST3K character did Night of the Lepus, and as expected it's damn funny!

I'd love to see them do more Godzilla too but I've heard they caught hell from Toho studios for just doing the ones they did, which is a shame. Gamera is owned by a different studio so maybe they'd have more luck going after them.

Warning From Space would be a great one for them to pick on too, Rifftrax did it but it was a couple of annoying British guys and not the MST3K crew.

Here's a few more:

The Human Vapor

The Corpse Grinders

Zontar - The Thing from Venus

Spider Baby

Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror

Headless Eyes

Alien 2: On Earth (aka Alien Terror)

The Being

The Cremators

Neon Maniacs



Showing my age here, but I saw that one in the theaters as a very little kid. It would make for a GREAT MST3K ep!

For some reason, I always thought The Black Hole would make for a good MST ep, too. I'm actually sort of fond of the movie, but it has some serious riffing opportunities, too.


Dang! You guys sure know a lot of bad movies.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Sinbad of the Seven Seas -


Bumping since the new season might allow them to riff some more stuff...


Journey to the 7th Planet. Gee, they could make a plethora of Uranus jokes throughout it
