Will there be Turkey Day 2016?

Has anyone involved with MST3K confirmed if there will be a Turkey Day Marathon this year? It was the highlight of my last thanksgiving and this year my girlfriend and I could get the chance to watch it together if it happens.


I don't know if anyone is doing a Turkey Day marathon or not, but my brother and I used to love it when we were kids, so around here we've been doing our own "Turkey MONTH" for years. So, just to give you some ideas on where you can find some mst3k to do your own Turkey Day marathon...
One: there are a lot of DVD sets, with about four episodes each, taken randomly from the full run of the series, so it's not just all Joel or all Mike.
Two: Check out RiffTrax.com. After mst3k ended, Mike, Kevin and Bill continued and expanded what they were doing, by starting RiffTrax. They do the same thing, riffing on movies, they just don't do the puppet segments. But it's great, they do the same kind of cheesy B-Movies, and old educational shorts, and they also do riffs of big-name blockbusters. But along with their new RiffTrax stuff they recently got the rights to offer MST3K episodes as well, and they add a new one each week. It's all available for purchase, but they do a lot of great offers all the time. Plus, I like knowing that by buying them there, the money goes right to the people who deserve it.
Those are pay options, but two free options where you can find some are
Three: The MST3K YouTube channel has several full episodes available, however it's not a high resolution image... It's not TERRIBLE resolution, but it's not great... But it's free. Lol.
And Four: if you have a Roku, check out the Shout Factory channel. Shout Factory is the distribution company with the DVD rights, and on their Roku channel they currently have a pretty good sized selection, with pretty good picture quality, however you will have to watch commercials.

Between those options, you should be able to find enough to make a good Turkey Day marathon. I highly recommend checking out RiffTrax... They've been doing it for ten years, so there's a ton of great stuff. I've actually gotten pretty addicted. Lol.

Oh and btw, Netflix is doing new episodes of MST3K to be available next year, carrying on from where the original series left off (if I'm understanding it correctly), so I'm wondering if they will also get some of the old episodes as well. Something to keep an eye out for.


I'm pretty sure that, in a recent email about the progress of the MST3K revival, Joel mentioned preparing for this year's Turkey Day marathon.


The official Facebook page just announced that it will start at 9 AM on Thanksgiving. They will be doing 6 episodes.

Joel will be back and it looks like the new guy will be involved so I might take the opportunity to see how he handles it.

No, not the mind probe!


Yes. That's noon my time! I'll be watching it!
