MovieChat Forums > Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988) Discussion > Riffs you like to use in everyday life

Riffs you like to use in everyday life

From MST3K The Movie: Mike saying "yes, step right there into the killzone" when one of the Metalunans is talking on a screen. I use it whenever a villain in a movie is really obviously walking someone towards their death--works great with the Bond series!

This After School Special dissipates our chances of survival, John!


I know it has been done to death, but I utter the phrase "By that time, my lungs were aching for air." at least once a week.


Don't know if it counts as a riff, but if someone is going out in the garden I'll tell them "Watch out for snakes!"


Great topic and thread. :) For me there are several but the ones which immediately come to mind because I really do use them a lot are:

Space Mutiny - The villain says something supposedly witty and laughs at his own joke but no one else does and Crow says "Well I thought it was funny anyway..."

The Merlin movie - When Mike refers to the rat and says "He's an obsessive hand washer." LOL When my dog is licking his feet to death I say that.

In Teenage Strangler - The girls are running down a street and Mike says "I can't staaaaaaahhhhp!"

In the short about Junior Rodeos - The narrator says the riders need to watch out because that ground is awful hard and Joel then says " awful hard."

I am sure I will think of more. :D

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"


Time Chasers - When the first signs of the love story aspect begin and Crow says "Oh man, here we go..."

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"


I tend to slip "Watch out for snakes!" into any movie that's set in the desert.

Griffin's line in 'Red Zone Cuba' after he shoots Chastain's wife: "Oh, I wish I were less impulsive..."

Can't remember where this one came from, but it was Tom's riff: "Run, my friends! Towards the danger!"

Mike, from the magic bedroom scene in 'Pod People:' "It's fun when it's fun!"

- HOW kin I be so brainless, when I is so smart?


From Riding with Death (anytime I have to apologize): "Sorry, squirrel."

Let's be bad guys.


One word: "Rowsdower". We will we will ROWSDOWER!

Oh no! The Kajigger of Gibraltar!


"Trumpy, you can do stupid things!" Though admittedly, few people get it.


Watch out for snakes.
And the crowd goes wild... yay(said dully and uninterested.)

Yes, I know the first three are callbacks.


Oh so that's where I got "Hikeba!" :-)

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Hikeba was from Women of the Prehistoric Planet. The goofy guy used it once or twice when he was demonstrating his "martial arts." You can thank Frank Conniff for it becoming a call back. Frank was the one who took to it.




Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.



From 'Red Zone Cuba,' my second-favorite MST3K ep.

- Crazy. All crazy but I'm.
