MovieChat Forums > Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988) Discussion > I'm not the only one that skips over the...

I'm not the only one that skips over the skits, right...?

I adore the actual riffing because of the truckload of obscure pop culture references, and it's a nice challenge to see how many of them I understand without looking them up. I just can't sit through the cheesy Educational VHS Tape-ish segments on the Satellite of Love. Gives me PTSD flashbacks to Bill Nye. 

Every time Miss Voodoo is asleep Shelly walks hard as *beep* and it wakes her up.


There are times when I skip the host segments. The worst was in Red Zone Cuba. Mike and the Bots doing a Lottery Drawing, pretending to be in a casino, Mike thinks he's Carol Channing, and that bouncy upbeat song at the end. The Mads didn't do well on their side either. Dr F is in a full body cast after a beatdown from a mob guy looking for Frank, and Frank's waiting for Dr Forrester to die.
The show does have funny host segments, although the ones in Mike's era are hit and miss, usually because they revolve around Servo. Servo gets annoying as hell sometimes.
I can't remember the exact show, but one involves Crow having a disturbing dream about Servo in a candy-striper outfit. The better host segments are from Joel's time on the SOL.


No, you're not. I skip over them almost all of the time myself, although I will admit that you do have the occasional hilarious one.

Whistling Wolf should get more camera time . . . he’s like a young Pacino!


I skip the host segments in MST3K The Movie and most of the ones with Pearl.


I skip the Joel ones, I at least give the Mike ones a chance, to see where they're going
I started watching once Mike was host, so I prefer him


I grew to love the Joel and Dr Forrester/Frank skits, especially the invention exchange. I'd skip some songs. But when it got to Mike and Pearl, Bobo and brain guy, I always skipped every segment


People with lower I.Q.’s seem to have difficulty grasping humor.
