Play MSTie For Me Triple Decker

Did this VHS or DVD have new footage/segments between the music clips, or is it just purely one music clip edited one after the other?


It was a VHS, and I can't remember if they had any new material on the tape. I think it was just the songs, but I got rid of the tape years ago, and can't check to be certain.

Tom Servo's All Time Favorite Host Segments had new material with Tom Servo introducing segments, but that was a different tape(set of tapes to be precise.)


I'm trying to decide of it is worth buying from Shout for this bonus DVD. If it it purely clip edited to another clip, I don't know if I really need it. I would have ordered the KTMA bonus DVD with no question.


Oh, the new Shout! Factory extra release. I imagine it will be all the songs again, but most likely will have a menu, chapter stops, and some new introduction of some kind. They were planning to release it later before they found out the quality of the KTMA23 episodes, so it should have something more than the songs and a basic play all feature. If you like the musical numbers on the show, I wouldn't hesitate about getting it.


I like the musical numbers, but I would already have them within their episodes. Sorta like if I had 10 CDs and then someone made a mix CD of songs from those and wanted to charge me more for it. I already have the songs, so I don't want to pay for a mix CD. This compilation was more valuable back then because a lot less episodes were officially released at that time.
