MovieChat Forums > Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988) Discussion > Which MST3K episode have you seen the mo...

Which MST3K episode have you seen the most?

The one I've seen the most would be season three's "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians".


I think it's either "Pod People" or "Manos: Hands of Fate" for me. There are still a handful of episodes that I've never seen.


Seems like it has to be The Final Sacrifice. When I grow up, I wanna be like Rowsdower!


The Final Sacrifice for me too. Well, or maybe Future War.

Calm down, have some dip.


Riding with Death! So mellow. So good. So Ben Murphy.


Nothing beats being Ben Murphy.

I'd say Riding with Death is tied with The Mole People for the two I've seen the most. I've lost count how many times I've seen them. At least two or three times per year since they aired.

Let's be bad guys.


I've watched MST3K The Movie (This Island Earth) the most. For a long time it was the only one I had on video (taped off TV) and the only one I had seen. So I either watched it fairly often or showed it to friends who hadn't heard of it.

Out of the actual episodes, either Eegah or Werewolf.


I've seen Pod People two or three times and will have to watch it again soon. The riffs are impossible to get tired of.


The one I've seen the most is It Conquered the World, because my brother's letter was read on the air at the end of that one.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


I have a few that I will watch over and over

The Touch of Satan
Time Chasers
The Final Sacrifice
SF International
Teenagers from Outer Space
Space Mutiny
12 to the Moon
Escape 2000

Im forgetting a few but ive seen them many times over


Oh man. I've prob left off a few favorites too haha


Space Mutiny, parts: the clonus horror, Track of the Moon Beast, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, Pod People, Manos, Hell Cats, Devil Fish.

And back to back viewings of Giant Spider Invasion with The Touch of Satan, for a Robert Easton/Packers won the Super Bowl Double Feature.

To this day, I still haven't gotten around to watching Blood Waters of Dr Z. Not part of my must-see list.


I realize that people's tastes differ, but Blood Waters of Dr. Z. ranks quite high on my list of favorite MST3K episodes. The movie is bad, the riffing is good, the monster is cheesy--what more could one want?


Either 'Creeping Terror' or 'Red Zone Cuba.'

- HOW kin I be so brainless, when I is so smart?
