What movies do you think they should watch in the new season?
Some Ideas I had were.
Reefer Madness
Doomsday Machine
Some Ideas I had were.
Reefer Madness
Doomsday Machine
I have a few suggestions but of course have no idea if they could get the rights to them,
1. Son of the Mask
2. Pledge This!
3. Battlefield Earth
Night of the Lepus
4 words: Giant. Killer. BUNNY RABBITS!
The Land of Faraway
A foreign fantasy movie that features a kid riding in a giant's beard, a villain so evil that lightning strikes when people say his name, a young Christian Bale, and Christopher Lee.
A Hong Kong take on Japanese super heroes that plays like a very crowded, very busy episode of Ultra Man (or a one man version of Power Rangers) that makes Prince of Space look Oscar worthy
Super Monster Gamera
Our old buddy teams up (I use the term loosely) with some superheroines (I use the term even more loosely) to fight alien invaders who attack Earth with stock footage from previous Gamera movies (and stole a Star Destroyer).
Flight of the Lost Balloon
An adventure movie that features, among other things, obvious mat outlines, condor puppets, short gorillas, a pool subbing for a giant lake, and an obvious villain you can't believe anyone would actually trust
More Godzilla movies
Any and all movies based on video games
The Giant Claw
Something Animated
There are a lot of mediocre/bad cartoon movies out there!
Red Riding Hood and the Monsters AKA Red Riding Hood meets Tom Thumb
A Mexican kids movie from the same people who gave us "Santa Claus"...
TNT Jackson and/or Blackbelt Jones
Not sure how comfortable they'd be with Blaxploitation films...but ones with extra silly kung-fu action might be easier!
Yog, the Monster Outer Space AKA Space Amoeba
A Kaiju movie that features a lobster being called a crab, a squid being called an octopus, cartoon bats, toy dolphins, and people turning into dolls when they fall victim to the monsters.
The Legend of Galgameth
A kids' fantasy that plays like a live action version of Pokémon with laughable effects, a villain you know is evil the moment you see him, an Asian played by a white guy, and a hero who needs other people to do everything for him.
The Creature Walks Among Us
Some scientists revive the Creature from the Black Lagoon and try to make him more human. If they though "Revenge of the Creature" was something, wait'll they get a load of this.
Gappa, the Tri-Amphibian Monster
In a sub-genre filled with silliness (Japanese Giant Monsters Movies), this one takes the cake!
Creature from the Haunted Sea
Hercules vs the Hydra AKA the Loves of Hercules
Among the many highlights they could work with are Hercules getting over his wife's murder in record time, a barely mobile hydra, and men being turned into fakey trees.
The Marvelous Land of Oz
A super cheap adaptation of the of 2nd Oz book, made by the director of Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny & its inserts and starring his mush mouthed son.
The Greatest Plot
Not only does it feature some silly kung-fu action (flying guillotines that look like weaponized sombreros, a woman trying to towel slap people to death, and a contraption straight out of the Legend of Zelda), but over the top melodrama makes it feel like a very action packed soap opera!
Bella Lugosi meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
...and a couple of guys who rip off Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis
The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism
Which features no actual torture, sadism, or scares, but death traps that would even Batman 66 would find laughable, a loopy story about revenge from beyond the grave, and a young Christopher Lee
KISS Meets The Phantom of The Park
Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas
God's Not Dead 1 and 2.
Old Fashioned
War Room
Geek Girl🐉
Nothing that's been riffed already, including on Rifftrax and Cinematic Titanic, or the Film Crew. Here's a handful of suggestions.
Highlander II: The Quickening (theatrical cut)
Samson in the Wax Museum
Gamera vs. Jiger
Captain America II: Death Too Soon
The Satanic Rites of Dracula
Horror Express
Teenage Zombies
Yongary, Monster from the Deep
Piranha II: The Spawning
Master Ninja III
Creature from the Haunted Sea
Bates Motel (1987 pilot movie)
Steel (DC comics movie)
Ator, the Fighting Eagle
Baffled! (psychic!Leonard Nimoy TV movie)
Moment by Moment
Sextette (80 year old Mae West in a musical with Timothy Dalton)
Ator the Fighting Eagle
Deathstalker (any of them really)
Master Ninja III
Nightmare at 37000 Feet (Shatner TV movie)