Hidden gem!!!!!!

Hey, why didn’t anyone talk to me about this show before ? On Monday I noticed it was leaving Tubi in 5 days so I gave it a quick try and it’s a good thing I did because I ended up watching as many as I could every night of the week. I managed to watch 16 of the 24 episodes until Saturday and then you know what Happened? They retracted their decision to delete it! I am almost positive they noticed some guy in Canada was binge watching the show so they had pity on me! Ha! Oh well, I watched it all in hurry for nothing but I had a lot of fun doing so. They made me feel a little bit like old X-Files episodes. I felt nostalgic watching this show even though I had never seen it before. It has such a chill vibe yet the horror stories could be quite frightening. I really enjoyed it. I will continue watching this week but can slow my pace I guess. Let me share with you the show’s intro, which IMO is super atmospheric and nothing short of comforting : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zx0C18M19o&pp=ygUTbW9uc3RlcnMgaW50cm8gMTk4OA%3D%3D
Tubi only have S1 but I see some episodes are also on YouTube. I’ll have to go there for S2 and 3. If you don’t feel like watching the show, I suggest you just watch this here 8min review one one of my favourite episode: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OvtRaZL6mnY&pp=ygUSTW9uc3RlcnMgTGEgc3RyZWdh
If I got your curiosity, watch the 3 first Episodes on Tubi and see if you like the show but I say skip Ep4. It’s the worst one. My overall rating: 7.5/10


This show came on the air when I was 15 (1988) & I was already hooked into their previous series: Tales from the Darkside. I found this series entertaining for the most part with it's wicked dark humor. I would rate it above average for a horror anthology but slightly below Tales (6.5/10 for Monsters; Tales 7/10).

I wanted to point out while I'm here another highlight episode: https://youtu.be/H80-B7iAyW0?si=Q_UufhCcjWDPW_jP "The waiting game"
