MovieChat Forums > Just the Ten of Us Discussion > Use of Religion on Just the Ten of Us

Use of Religion on Just the Ten of Us

I'll start by saying that I'm not overtly religious but while watching "Just the Ten of Us" again (I found some old vhs tapes while I was cleaning, email me if ya want more info [email protected]) and I was surprised that there were so many episodes revolving around God and about the Catholic religion itself. Not saying this is a good or a bad thing but just surprised at the amount of content was geared towards this. Surely a sitcom like this would never last today...

Also, I forgot how clever the writing was and how witty some of the scripts were. This is a show that should have lasted at least another two or three years :( Of well, at least it ended while it was still good.


Considering the setting was a Catholic School (boys only until the girls got there) I found the humor to be appropriate, esp when you consider Frank Bonner (Herb from WKRP) was the head priest.

I'd have to say my favorite epsidoe of it (the one I remember most) is the fundraiser talent night at the pizza place.


I think today people would be angry at the whole religious theme.Heck I think back when it was on there were people complaining about it.But I loved it because I went to a catholic school growing up so I can relate.If anything it made me want to be a better sad when t.v can influance a teens life,but at least it was a positive show:)


The use of religion in the show always made ABC extremely nervous. At one point, a network executive said to us, "Could you make them less Catholic?" At the end of the season, the writers had t-shirts made for the executive producers. The shirt had a picture of Pope John II on it with the caption, "Could you make him less Catholic?" I still have it.


Their dad on the show worked as a coach at a Catholic school.


Ironically, Kirk Cameron (from the show that brought you JTTOU) is now a born-again Christian.


I enjoyed the fact that the religious aspect of the show wasn't treated soooo seriously, like on something like 7th Heaven. I know they're two different shows, but still.

