Am I the only one who doesn't like Freddy's Nightmares? Not trying to piss anyone off, or say that "only an idiot would like this show," or anything demeaning like that. It's just that I'm a pretty big fan of the Nightmare series...and I HATED this show. I give it credit for getting that much gore aired on broadcast TV, but the acting was terrible, the stories ludicrous, and the production values very soap opera-esque. Am I missing something here? Am I the only one who's out of the loop? It just seemed to be the opposite of the movies (which generally had great atmosphere, original storylines, and acting that was overall, pretty damn good). Am I the only one who felt this way?
Well, when I came here (and when I go to various horror message boards, as well), I found very little ill spoken about the series, versus a lot of praise. And while I agree that a few of the episodes were okay (Tobe Hooper's pilot episode, for example), the series overall just seemed to reek of cheapness and corny writing. The effects were great, but it seems as if that's where ALL of the money for most episodes went, with no money left for production values, real actors, or script development. I particularly recall the first time I saw the show...the episode was It's My Party and You'll Die if I Want You To. It had me recoiling in horror...not because it was scary, but because it was so awful.
Again, the big reason I can't stomach this series is that I love most of the Nightmare movies and this seems like a horrible footnote to the series. I guess I'm just disappointed because they could have (especially with as permissive as the censors were with them) created a really great Nightmare series. I just think they fell completely short...I expected much more.
Never saw Tricks & Treats. And my recollections of the pilot are hazy...been a LONG time...just seemed that it was the best episode I saw. The show just seemed lacking, overall. Mostly the horrendous acting and use of soap opera quality in-studio video cameras. The show looked terrible, had no atmosphere (in any of the episodes I caught, anyway), and hired completely incompetent actors. Had that not been the case, maybe I wouldn't be so hard on it.