
The front-page says that the UK rating on Freddy's Nightmares is an 18, but I was wondering if this series could have been anywhere near as violent or gory as the movies were given that it was a syndicated show broadcast on network TV before violent shows like CSI became the norm.

Is FN a gory show at all?

"I've Heard You Sing."


It has some gore in it, but a lot of it is pretty unrealistic looking. Like there's a scene in the Lori Petty episode where this guy accidently grinds his hand in a meat grinder and the fingers look pretty fake. Same thing with the ep of Missing Persons, that is online now, where someone pulls a finger out of their mouth.

So the show is gory, but I wouldn't say it's worse than some shows today because a lot of it is not realistic looking (but still entertaining).




