Carol Kane in the episode 'Killer Instinct'????
This is very strange. Tonight I pulled out my old VHS bootlegs of Freddy’s Nightmares and watched the first two episodes. During the second half of the second episode, “Killer Instinct”, I noticed something strange. The first half of the episode revolves around a high school girl(Chris) on the track team. She dies at the end of the first half of the episode and comes back, semi-zombified, to haunt the girl who caused her death in the second half of the episode. There is a quick scene where the girl being haunted is sitting at the kitchen table with her two parents when the ghost of Chris appears in front of her. It is obvious that the zombified ghost in this brief scene is not played by the actress who played chris in the first half of the episode. The actress playing the zombified ghost appears to be Carol Kane (the actress who was in the original “When a Stranger Calls” and “Scrooged)!!!!! I searched all over the internet and couldn’t find a single thing about this, even on IMDB. I’m extremely good with faces and I’m near positive it is Carol Kane. Why the hell would she appear for such a brief cameo on a TV show as a zombie-ghost for less than 5 seconds?? Someone check it out and get back to me!!!